
Setting a new IP as a subfolder of an existing IP

I'm pretty new to Apache configurations... is the following possible?

I have 2 separate web servers, each hosting a different application - totally separate.

My main application is under the domain www.example.com. What I want to do is set the other server's domain to something like www.example.com/newapp so that when users go to this URL, they will be redirected to the 2nd server (which is a totally different domain/IP/virtualhost); pages under this second server's url will always be www.example.com/newapp/xxxx.

NOTE: there is nothing matching this directory structure under the first, main application.

Basically, the www.example.com/newapp/ application is compl开发者_Go百科etely separate, but I want users to think its actually the same website.

You need to configure the first server handling all example.com requests to proxy requests to the new server when a request for example.com/newapp is received. This will cost you bandwidth on both sides, beware of that.

Using ProxyPass & ProxyPassReverse should suffice. If you want hyperlink conversion as well, you need to use mod_proxy_html

ProxyPass /newapp/ http://xx.xx.xx.xx/newapp

ProxyPassReverse /newapp/ http://xx.xx.xx.xx/newapp

mod_proxy_html: http://apache.webthing.com/mod_proxy_html/

<VirtualHost *:80> 
UseCanonicalName Off 
ProxyPass /newapp/ http://xx.xx.xx.xx/ 
ProxyPassReverse /newapp/ http://xx.xx.xx.xx/ 
Include /etc/apache2/conf/railsapp.conf 




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