Using datasource with CheckBoxList
I use CheckBoxList in my Windows Forms application and am trying to apply a datasource for it.
Having a DataTable, 'dt', with columns id
, name
and ischecked
, I use such code:
((ListBox)MyCheckBoxList).DataSource = dt;
((ListBox)MyCheckB开发者_C百科oxList).DisplayMember = "name";
((ListBox)MyCheckBoxList).ValueMember = "id";
How do I set CheckState for all items in MyCheckBoxList?
I keep this value in my datatable and want to link them with MyCheckBoxList.
I've decided my problem in two steps. First, I applied the datasource, and then in circle set the Checked property for each item like in the following code:
((ListBox)MyCheckBoxList).DataSource = dt;
((ListBox)MyCheckBoxList).DisplayMember = "name";
for (int i = 0; i < folloving.Items.Count; i++ )
DataRowView row = (DataRowView)MyCheckBoxList.Items[i];
bool isChecked = Convert.ToBoolean(row["checked"]);
MyCheckBoxList.SetItemChecked(i, isChecked);
As another work-around, I implemented the CheckedListBox.Format event to automatically update the displayed CheckedState with the data; and implemented the CheckedListBox.ItemCheck event to automatically update the data with the CheckedState.
private DataTable myDataTable = null;
private BindingSource myBindingSource = new BindingSource();
// Column Name Constants
private const string C_ITEM_INDEX = "Item_Index"; // CheckedListBox Item's Index
private const string C_ITEM_TEXT = "Item_Text"; // Item's Text
private const string C_ITEM_CHECKED = "Item_Checked"; // Item's Checked State
private const string C_DATA_KEY = "Data_Key"; // Arbitrary Key Value for Relating Item to Other Data
private void Startup()
// Create DataTable
// This DataTable has 4 Columns described by the constants above
myDataTable = new DataTable();
myDataTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn(C_ITEM_INDEX, typeof(Int32)));
myDataTable.Columns[C_ITEM_INDEX].DefaultValue = 0;
myDataTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn(C_ITEM_TEXT, typeof(string)));
myDataTable.Columns[C_ITEM_TEXT].DefaultValue = "";
// I personally like Integer 1=true, 0=false values. typeof(bool) will also work.
myDataTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn(C_ITEM_CHECKED, typeof(Int32)));
myDataTable.Columns[C_ITEM_CHECKED].DefaultValue = 0;
// Other columns can be included in the DataTable
myDataTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn(C_DATA_KEY, typeof(Int32)));
myDataTable.Columns[C_DATA_KEY].DefaultValue = 0;
// Bind the DataTable's DefaultView to the CheckedListBox
myBindingSource.DataSource = myDataTable.DefaultView;
this.myCheckedListBox.DataSource = myBindingSource;
// Set the DisplayMember to the DataColumn you want displayed as the CheckedListBox Items's Text
this.myCheckedListBox.DisplayMember = C_ITEM_TEXT;
// Set the ValueMember to the Data. Note: The ValueMember is not displayed and is Not the CheckBox value.
this.myCheckedListBox.ValueMember = C_DATA_KEY;
// Hookup Event Handler for the CheckedListBox.Format Event.
/// * The Format event enables us to just in time update the CheckBoxes with the values in the DataTable
this.myCheckedListBox.Format += myCheckedListBox_Format;
// Hookup Event Handler for the CheckedListBox.ItemCheck Event.
/// * The ItemCheck event enables us to just in time update the DataTable with the values from the Item CheckBoxes
this.myCheckedListBox.ItemCheck += myCheckedListBox_ItemCheck;
void myCheckedListBox_Format(object sender, ListControlConvertEventArgs e)
/// * The Format event enables us to just in time update the CheckBoxes with the values in the DataTable
// Retrieve the Index of the Item in the CheckedListBox by finding the DataRowView in the BindingSource
// Note: Use a column with unique values for the BindingSource.Find() function
int listindex = myBindingSource.Find(C_ITEM_INDEX, ((DataRowView)e.ListItem)[C_ITEM_INDEX]);
// The argument, e.ListItem, is the current DataRowView in the DataTable's DefaultView
// Check to see if the checkbox value is different from the data
if (((CheckedListBox)sender).GetItemChecked(listindex) != Convert.ToBoolean(((DataRowView)e.ListItem)[C_ITEM_CHECKED]))
// Set the CheckList Item's CheckState to match the data
((CheckedListBox)sender).SetItemChecked(listindex, Convert.ToBoolean(((DataRowView)e.ListItem)[C_ITEM_CHECKED]));
void myCheckedListBox_ItemCheck(object sender, ItemCheckEventArgs e)
/// * The ItemCheck event enables us to just in time update the DataTable with the values from the Item CheckBoxes
// Update the data with the new CheckState value.
if (e.NewValue == CheckState.Checked)
myDataTable.DefaultView[e.Index][C_ITEM_CHECKED] = 1;
myDataTable.DefaultView[e.Index][C_ITEM_CHECKED] = 0;
// Update other data values too if you need to.
I'm not sure there is a way to set the check through the ValueMember property.
You could give this a go:
foreach (DataRow item in dt.Rows)
MyCheckedListBox.Items.Add(item["Name"].ToString(), Convert.ToBoolean(item["Checked"]));