
How to call JavaScript/jQuery function from .cs file (C#)

I'm working on asp.net (C#) project which include some page files (aspx, aspx.cs) and some only (.cs) file. I'm able to access JavaScript/jQuery functions from page files (aspx, aspx.cs) using scriptregister, but my question is how to access the JavaScript/jQuery function from alone (.cs) file. I'm generating some html tags in (.cs) file therefore in need of to call JavaScript/jQuery functions from only (.cs) class.

The file I have are, for example, Default.aspx and Default.aspx.cs and Web.cs (My concern is to call JavaScript/jQuery functions from web.cs)

Actually, What I'm trying to do is to generate some HTML code in Web.cs (Business Object) and while generating HTML code in web.cs I need some other dynamic HTML code generated by jQuery function which output is my concern: var output ="My HTML Code Generated by jQuery function"

Now I need the above jQuery output to merger with Web.cs HTML code generating.

Kindly let me know how开发者_如何学JAVA can it be possible to call jQuery functions from web.cs and get back the result from jQuery to web.cs in order to merge?


you can try to write to a response stream directly and output

Response.Write("<script type=\"text/javascript\"> your JS call</script>");

Regards, Szymon

You can call a JavaScript function using registerStartupScript.


<script type="text/javascript">

   function printOutput(arg) {            


Code Behind

protected void DoSomethingButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
   ClientScriptManager cs = Page.ClientScript;

   cs.RegisterStartupScript(typeof (Page), "PrintScript_" + UniqueID, "printOutput('My HTML Code Generated by jquery function');", true);

You need to pass into the web.cs a reference to the page. You will then have access to the page.clientscript method





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