
Stretching text navigational elements 100% across the screen with css

I'm drawing a blank at how to make text dynamically grow and shrink to always fit a page perfectly so that various word groups always take up the full width of various screen sizes.

I'm on a phone browser right now, so excuse me if I don't post full html examples, but here is the gist of common scenarios that I'm trying to have a technique to resolve:

<a>nav element</a> <a>another&l开发者_开发百科t;/a><a>lots of text in this nav element</a>
 ... another set of links wwith different text here ... 
... and another ...


All told, the above layout would take up exactly three lines all the way across the screen on any screensize or window size.

A simpler example:

<h1>Hello World</h1>

Wherein not only would the h1 have a width of 100% of the screen (easy) but the text content itself would grow in font-size to fit 100% of the screen.

Similar techniques that I am aware of:

Font-stretch // except it just squashes/stretches text without regard for the text containers

Font-size:5%; // except this deals with the vertical scale of each letter.

text-align:justify; // except it just adds space instead of scaling up the font.

I'm not aware of a pure CSS way to accomplish this. I believe you have to use JS. There's several scripts and plugins out there for that. Here's one for jQuery:


Media queries is probably the closest thing that exists to what you are looking for. Another good term to search for is "Responsive Design", its been a fairly hot topic on most of the designer blogs I follow in the last few months.

You can't. Not with css.


You can probably program something with javascript.





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