
Probability of 3-character string appearing in a randomly generated password

If you have a randomly generated password, consisting of only alphanumeric characters, of length 12, and the comparison is case insensitive (i.e. 'A' == 'a'), what is the probability that one specific string of length 3 (e.g. 'ABC') will appear in that password?

I know the number of total possible com开发者_StackOverflowbinations is (26+10)^12, but beyond that, I'm a little lost. An explanation of the math would also be most helpful.

The string "abc" can appear in the first position, making the string look like this:


...where the X's can be any letter or number. There are (26 + 10)^9 such strings.

It can appear in the second position, making the string look like:


And there are (26 + 10)^9 such strings also.

Since "abc" can appear at anywhere from the first through 10th positions, there are 10*36^9 such strings.

But this overcounts, because it counts (for instance) strings like this twice:


So we need to count all of the strings like this and subtract them off of our total.

Since there are 6 X's in this pattern, there are 36^6 strings that match this pattern.

I get 7+6+5+4+3+2+1 = 28 patterns like this. (If the first "abc" is at the beginning, the second can be in any of 7 places. If the first "abc" is in the second place, the second can be in any of 6 places. And so on.)

So subtract off 28*36^6.

...but that subtracts off too much, because it subtracted off strings like this three times instead of just once:


So we have to add back in the strings like this, twice. I get 4+3+2+1 + 3+2+1 + 2+1 + 1 = 20 of these patterns, meaning we have to add back in 2*20*(36^3).

But that math counted this string four times:


...so we have to subtract off 3.

Final answer:

10*36^9 - 28*36^6 + 2*20*(36^3) - 3

Divide that by 36^12 to get your probability.

See also the Inclusion-Exclusion Principle. And let me know if I made an error in my counting.

If A is not equal to C, the probability P(n) of ABC occuring in a string of length n (assuming every alphanumeric symbol is equally likely) is



P(0)=P(1)=P(2)=0 and P(3)=1/(36)^3

To expand on Paul R's answer. Probability (for equally likely outcomes) is the number of possible outcomes of your event divided by the total number of possible outcomes.

There are 10 possible places where a string of length 3 can be found in a string of length 12. And there are 9 more spots that can be filled with any other alphanumeric characters, which leads to 36^9 possibilities. So the number of possible outcomes of your event is 10 * 36^9.

Divide that by your total number of outcomes 36^12. And your answer is 10 * 36^-3 = 0.000214

EDIT: This is not completely correct. In this solution, some cases are double counted. However they only form a very small contribution to the probability so this answer is still correct up to 11 decimal places. If you want the full answer, see Nemo's answer.





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