
Why do big open source PHP projects NOT use MVC? [closed]

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I am curious, why all the larger open source PHP projects, it seems none of them use the MVC pattern and all the post on SO promote it's use?

phpBB and PHPMyAdmin, (and PHPlist, SquirrelMail and others) are all very old code-bases originating on PHP3 and PHP4. They have not been rewritten to use techniques like MVC or even OO in most cases. PHP coding conventions prior to PHP5 were mainly procedural and it was very common to find application logic inter-mingled with presentation and database logic.

In fact, the PHP language encourages inter-mingling presentation and logic since PHP is itself a templating language. As the OO support improved, those coding methods are becoming increasingly discouraged.

Newer or rapidly developed code-bases like Drupal, WordPress and the Facebook API do use modern patterns, however.

Most of those were already based in nonMVC php, and it worked. Although I am supporter of MVC symfony I can see why they'd changed the codebase to make it MVC.





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