XMPPFramework - How to create a MUC room and invite users?
I am using Robbiehanson's iOS XMPPFramework. I am trying to create a MUC room and invite a user to the group chat room but it is not working.
I am using the following code:
XMPPRoom *room = [[XMPPRoom alloc] initWithRoomName:@"user101@conference.jabber.org/room" nickName:@"room"];
[room createOrJoinRoom];
[room sendInstantRoomConfig];
[room setInvitedUser:@"ABC@jabber.org"];
[room activate:[self xmppStream]];
[room inviteUser:jid1 withMessage:@"hello please join."];
[room sendMessage:@"HELLO"];
The user ABC@jabber.org should receive the invite message but nothing is happening.
Any help will be appreciated. :)
After exploring various solutions, I've decided to compile and share my implementation here:
Create an XMPP Room:
XMPPRoomMemoryStorage *roomStorage = [[XMPPRoomMemoryStorage alloc] init]; /** * Remember to add 'conference' in your JID like this: * e.g. uniqueRoomJID@conference.yourserverdomain */ XMPPJID *roomJID = [XMPPJID jidWithString:@"chat@conference.shakespeare"]; XMPPRoom *xmppRoom = [[XMPPRoom alloc] initWithRoomStorage:roomStorage jid:roomJID dispatchQueue:dispatch_get_main_queue()]; [xmppRoom activate:[self appDelegate].xmppStream]; [xmppRoom addDelegate:self delegateQueue:dispatch_get_main_queue()]; [xmppRoom joinRoomUsingNickname:[self appDelegate].xmppStream.myJID.user history:nil password:nil];
Check if room is successfully created in this delegate:
- (void)xmppRoomDidCreate:(XMPPRoom *)sender
Check if you've joined the room in this delegate:
- (void)xmppRoomDidJoin:(XMPPRoom *)sender
After room is created, fetch room configuration form:
- (void)xmppRoomDidJoin:(XMPPRoom *)sender { [sender fetchConfigurationForm]; }
Configure your room
/** * Necessary to prevent this message: * "This room is locked from entry until configuration is confirmed." */ - (void)xmppRoom:(XMPPRoom *)sender didFetchConfigurationForm:(NSXMLElement *)configForm { NSXMLElement *newConfig = [configForm copy]; NSArray *fields = [newConfig elementsForName:@"field"]; for (NSXMLElement *field in fields) { NSString *var = [field attributeStringValueForName:@"var"]; // Make Room Persistent if ([var isEqualToString:@"muc#roomconfig_persistentroom"]) { [field removeChildAtIndex:0]; [field addChild:[NSXMLElement elementWithName:@"value" stringValue:@"1"]]; } } [sender configureRoomUsingOptions:newConfig]; }
References: XEP-0045: Multi-User Chat, Implement Group Chat
Invite users
- (void)xmppRoomDidJoin:(XMPPRoom *)sender { /** * You can read from an array containing participants in a for-loop * and send multiple invites in the same way here */ [sender inviteUser:[XMPPJID jidWithString:@"keithoys"] withMessage:@"Greetings!"]; }
There, you've created a XMPP multi-user/group chat room, and invited a user. :)
I have the feeling that the first thing to do after alloc-init is to attach it to your xmppStream, so it can use xmppStream to send/receive messages.
More exactly:
XMPPRoom *room = [[XMPPRoom alloc] initWithRoomName:@"user101@conference.jabber.org/room" nickName:@"room"];
[room activate:[self xmppStream]];
//other things (create/config/...)
Check the latest XMPPMUCLight & XMPPRoomLight its similar to Whatsapp and other today's trends social app rooms that don't get destroyed or members kicked when offline or no one in room.
Refer this documentation & mod from MongooseIM