mysql-cluster datausage reach the limit
My MySQLCLUSTER have reach the data usage limit as show below
ndb_mgm> all report memoryusage
Node 2: Data usage is 100%(2560 32K pages of total 2560)
Node 2: Index usage is 22%(531 8K pages of total 2336)
Node 3: Data usage is 100%(2560 32K pages of total 2560)
Node 3: Index usage is 22%(531 8K pages of total 2336)
after i search around, increase the data memory shall able to solve this error, my update as show below
# Managment Server
HostName=the 开发者_开发百科IP of THIS SERVER
# Storage Engines
HostName= the IP of the FIRST SERVER
DataDir= /var/lib/mysql-cluster
DataMemory = 512M
HostName=the IP of the SECOND SERVER
DataMemory = 512M
# 2 MySQL Clients
# I personally leave this blank to allow rapid changes of the mysql clients;
# you can enter the hostnames of the above two servers here. I suggest you dont.
then i restart ndb_mgmd at this management node. restart data node mysql.server & ndbd. But still 100% data usage.
any step i did wrong?additional information my management node is windows xp platform & data node is solaris based.
I googled this post and none had answered.
And I googled another post:,517123,517665#msg-517665
According the post, we should restart the mangement node with --initial
For exmaple:
ndb_mgmd -f D:\database\my_cluster\config.ini --initial --ndb_nodeid=1
This works for me. Hope help you guys.