
How to design an about me page in an iphone app?

I am about to release a free iphone application that is targeted for all ages. My main menu contains an "About" button. How would I design my about me page? Putting it part of the main menu is the way to go? What should I include besides my name and email address?.. It would be too dull and waste of space to have a black background about me page just with my name/email address... Any suggestions from iphone app dev. veterans is appreciated

FYI- I am not releasing it on behalf of开发者_运维知识库 any company or organization


How about this http://www.cocoacontrols.com/platforms/ios/controls/mdaboutcontroller

Your question does not have straight forward answer. As you are asking whats better to wear white t-shirt or black t-shirt. In the "About page" you are presenting yourself to the users. You should make it in a way that best represents your design style or your person. Usually simpler is better, but if you are a complex person, I would not hesitate and play with the design.

I would give it my name and a link to my online presence.





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