
Liferay IDE - cannot install to Eclipse

I'm trying to install liferay IDE (from tutorial: http://www.liferay.com/documentation/liferay-portal/6.0/development/-/ai/installation)

The problem appears after I checked the Liferay IDE checkbox and press Next. Error popup appears telling 开发者_StackOverflow中文版me this: "org/sat4j/minisat/core/AssertingClauseGenerator java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError".

What is the problem?

That class is used by the Eclipse p2 framework which has to do with installing new plugins. It appears something is malformed in your eclipse installation for the Update manager to not be able to find that sat4j class. The requirements for Liferay IDE are to use the Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers, which can be found on this page: Eclipse Downloads Its the top link.

If you are using that package and still see the error try restarting eclipse and give it the -clean commandline flag in eclipse.ini which might clear the NoClassDefFoundError.

A final option would be to down an eclipse that has Liferay IDE pre-installed, which you can find at this page: Liferay IDE Downloads Page

You can install Liferay IDE via eclipse marketplace. (Help -> Eclipse Marketplace)

Download Eclipse from HERE its already including Liferay SDK. Just chose what eclipse to use (I am using Juno)

This will solve your problems :)





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