
How to define a centralized timer for app in iphone?

I need to perform certain tasks (man开发者_Go百科y tasks) at different intervals. How can i implement it with single NStimer instance as individual timers will create overhead?

I am doing this exact thing. in my appdelegate i have a method for the timer and threads (i've removed the threads for simplicity):

    timer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:(1) 

and i have a method that the timer triggers

    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName: @"PULSE" object: nil];


in the "awakefromnib" method of the appdelgate class i have this:

[self startupThreads];

Now in the veiwdidload method on the viewcontrollers that need to subscribe to this (to update a clock) i subscribe to the notification centre:

[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(updateTimeLeft) name:@"PULSE" object:nil];

And i have a method called "updateTimeLeft"

This works really well but i will revisit it to use threads for a bit of performance at a later time.

To have things trigger at different intervals you could change these selectors to parse a time value and have the subscribing view controllers use a modulus to decide what to do.


switch (timerValue % 15){
 case 1:
   [self someMethod];
 case 2: 
   [self someOtherMethod];

Hope this helps :)

You can use NSNotificationCenter to define a notification and at particular time it dispatches a notification so other class can be notified and do some task accordingly...

refer this tutorial...

I had to use this in my iPhone App, this is what I did:

#define kUpdateInterval(x) (iPerformanceTime % x == 0)

int iPerformanceTime;

-(void) mPerformanceGameUpdates {    
    if (iPerformanceTime == 0) { //Initialization


    if (kUpdateInterval(1)) { //Every 1sec


    if (kUpdateInterval(2)) { //Every 2sec


    if (kUpdateInterval(5)) { //Every 5sec


    if (kUpdateInterval(10)) { //Every 10sec


    if (kUpdateInterval(15)) { //Every 15sec


    if (kUpdateInterval(20)) { //Every 20sec


    if (kUpdateInterval(25)) { //Every 25sec


    iPerformanceTime ++;

//The method below helps you out a lot because it makes sure that your timer
//doesn't start again when it already has, making it screw up your game intervals
-(void) mPerformanceTmrGameUpdatesLoopShouldRun:(BOOL)bGameUpdatesShouldRun {
    if (bGameUpdatesShouldRun == TRUE) {
        if (bPerformanceGameUpdatesRunning == FALSE) {
            tmrPerformanceGameUpdates = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:1 target:self selector:@selector(mPerformanceGameUpdates) userInfo:nil repeats:YES];
            bPerformanceGameUpdatesRunning = TRUE;
    } else if (bGameUpdatesShouldRun == FALSE) {
        if (bPerformanceGameUpdatesRunning == TRUE) {
            [tmrPerformanceGameUpdates invalidate];
            bPerformanceGameUpdatesRunning = FALSE;

-(void) viewDidLoad {
    [self mPerformanceTmrGameUpdatesLoopShouldRun:TRUE];
    //TRUE makes it run, FALSE makes it stop

Just change the update intervals and you'll be good to go!

Define in app delegate and access it elsewhere using the UIApplication sharedApplication. Hope this helps





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