
Jquery AJAX post to update database

I'm using the following code in my HTML form - trying to make a sort of "lottery scratch ticket" type effect. There's a grid, each item with a dynamic number from a database. Clicking the square calls the clickme() function, makes the db call, and then changes the image. I'm just on the first part trying to get the database to update.


    if ($unlock == 0) { 
    echo '<div> class="' . $currentgrid .'" name="' . $slot . '"   
    onclick="clickme();" style="cursor: pointer;">'; 
    } else { echo '<div>'; }

And my javascript.js file:

function clickme()
// $(function() {
//    $(".gridsquare").click(function() {

    var slotnumber = $(this).attr('name');
    // var gridnumber = $(this).attr('class');
    var dataString = 'slot='+ slotnumber;
    // + '&gridnumber=' + gridnumber;

     开发者_如何转开发   $.ajax({
            type: "POST",
            url: "post/supergridupdate.php",
            data: dataString,
            success: function(){
                // $('.success').fadeIn(200).show();
                // $('.error').fadeout(400).hide;

    return false;
//    });
// });



     $slot = $_POST['slot']; 
     // $gridnumber = $_POST['gridnumber']; 
     $gridnumber = 1;
     $sql = "INSERT INTO test (slot, gridnumber) VALUES ('$slot', '$gridnumber')";
     $result = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); 

Right now it all displays, I can click divs but the database doesn't update.

UPDATE: Got it to work with help, just simply passing the variable in the javascript function now instead of using jquery.

Are you certain that 'slotnumber' has a value? Also have you tried sending an object rather than a string? var dataString = {'slot': slotnumber}; --EDIT in your function try to pass the element to the function onclick="clickme(this);"

function clickme(el)
// $(function() {
//    $(".gridsquare").click(function() {

    var slotnumber = $(el).attr('name');
    // var gridnumber = $(this).attr('class');

You have commented // $gridnumber = $_POST['gridnumber']; and you are using it in query not sure if thats causing error.

Add this

success: function(data){

Can you do echo $result or Exception and see if it throws any error ? Also do echo $sql which will alert the query . That way you can see what exactly happened.

Also wrap query execution in try catch to be safe


   $result = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); 
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Caught exception: ',  $e->getMessage(), "\n";

Just like that, are you connected to your database on that file "supergridupdate.php" ?

i hope prior to making update in the db you have correctly established the connection

in your supergridupdate.php you are doing

$slot = $_POST['slot']; 

so in your ajax request you need to do



Are you sure that you are generating the html correctly or is it just a typo. You are closing the div tag before attributes. Try this

echo '<div class="' . $currentgrid .'" name="' . $slot . '" onclick="clickme();" style="cursor: pointer;">';





验证码 换一张
取 消

