Debugging in Netbeans with EclipseLink static weaving
I am attempting to debug unit tests in Netbeans 7 on classes that make use of the EclipseLink static weaving. If I turn off static weaving I can get debug a unit test, but I cannot get a non-debug run of the tests to build (as expected). If I turn static weaving on I cannot debug the tests.
I have this in my pom.xml:
<java classname=""
classpathref="maven.runtime.classpath" fork="true">
<arg line="-loglevel FINE -persistenceinfo src/main/resources target/classes target/classes"/>
I am guessing I need to have the static weaving get picked up when debugging? Any ideas?
A hack fix seems to be to turn dynamic weaving on for the unit tests while leaving it as static for the release version... ick.