
PHP INSERT error when imploding an array with count greater than 2

I have this weird problem when trying to INSERT a row into my mysql database.

This is the idea. A range of exercise is listed and you can add a quantity and check the days you want to add this exercise to (Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat) and that adds it to your diary.

This is my code.

$addDiary = array();
$addTimestamp = array();
$addDiary[] = '('.$current_user->id.', '.$_POST['exid_'.$i].', '.$_POST['qty_'.$i].', '.$calories_mod.', '.implode('.', $addTimestamp).')';             
$queryAddDiary = mysql_query("INSERT INTO LHNZ_FT_DIARY (USER_ID, EXERCISE_ID, TIME, CALORIES, TIMESTAMPS) VALUES ".implode(',', $addDiary));

I have echoed out the addDiary array and the addTimestamp array and it looks fine to me.

$addTimestamp: 1311206400.1311292800.1311379200

$addDiary: (2, 1, 1, 678, 1311206400.1311292800.1311379200)

That query works beautifully if my $addTimestamp array has a length of 1 or 2. However when the length is greater than 2, it chucks this error.

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '.1311379200)' at line 1

Now. This error is shown if I use '.' or ':' as my implode for $addTimestamp. If I use a letter, or '_' it chucks this error.

Unknown column '1311206400_1311292800开发者_如何学C_1311379200' in 'field list'

Any ideas how I can use $addTimestamp with a length greater than 2 (meaning I may do that exercise three days a week... this is where it errors).


  • leighton

String values in MySQL queries must be enclosed in single quotes.

Instead of:

$addDiary[] = '('.$current_user->id.', '.$_POST['exid_'.$i].', '.$_POST['qty_'.$i].', '.$calories_mod.', '.implode('.', $addTimestamp).')'; 


$addDiary[] = '('.$current_user->id.', '.$_POST['exid_'.$i].', '.$_POST['qty_'.$i].', '.$calories_mod.", '".implode('.', $addTimestamp)."')"; 

Although I strongly suggest that you also pass every value through mysql_real_escape_string() before gluing it to sql query.





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