
Is their a free .NET Decompiler that integrates with the Visual Studio Debugger [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.

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Their has been a bit of a renaissance of .NET decompiler development since RedGate announced they will stop producing the free version of RedGate Reflector. One opensource decompiler, ILSpy, allows you to do step through debugging of a compiled assembly. I was using this to debug some assemblies I lack the source code for. However, its crashes too often for the level of nested debugging I need to do.

Ideally, I'd prefer something that integrates with Visual Studio 2010, or 2008, but I'll settle for anything stable. Free is preferable.

I think you should look at dotPeek by JetBrains http://www.jetbrains.com/decompiler/

I've used dotPeek, my opinion is that it is NOT Reflector

This may change though, since it is still an early access release.

If free is not a must, i would go for Reflector, which stays as #1 in my book - easy to use, integrates with VS.





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