distinct in the two list
How can i get the uniques in the two list
this is my two list
var listUtiPcs = (from utiPc in datacontx.UTILIZACAOPCs
join pc in datacontx.COMPUTADORs on utiPc.ComputadorID equals pc.IdComputador
where utiPc.Removido==false
select pc);
var listpcs = (from usr in datacontx.COMPUTADORs
开发者_开发知识库 select usr);
The first return the computer in use, the second returns the list of the computer. I want to return the computer that are not in use. how can i do it?
You have a list of computers, you have a list of computers in use, and you want a list of computers not in use. That's going to be the Except
var remaining = listOfAll.Except(subset);
// in your terms
var unusedComputers = listpcs.Except(listUtiPcs);