
PHP MySQL Select Problem

Why is my query not returning any results? I can run the query SELECT * FROMusersWHERE wid = 'worker_040' and it returns a result just fine. Am I missing something in this?

$wid = $_POST['username'];
            $con = mysql_connect("","XXXX","XXXXX");
            if (!$con)
                    die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());

            mysql_select_db("chit", $con);

            echo "Form details<br />";

            $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE wid = '$wid'");
            while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
            echo $row['FirstName']. " - ". $row['LastName'];
            echo "<br />";
        开发者_JAVA百科    }


You could take some time to debug.

For example, make sure your script is accessed via an HTTP POST request and 'username' is sent in the request ($_POST['request'] is set and has a valid value which could/would return results).

Get some info after executing your queries (you could use mysql_error()), get the number of rows returned etc. Output your sql query before sending it for execution.

Print the value of each row in your while loop.

These are some hints/tips you could use for finding out what might be going on. There are also other ways but you could give the above a try.

You are calling your result rows as a numeric array but referencing them as an associative array - change your while loop to use mysql_fetch_assoc

Edit - this probably isn't it!

mysql_fetch_array returns the array as both an associative and numeric array by default, so shouldn't affect your code above.





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