
Iphone Access rootviewcontroller from subviews

I h开发者_运维问答ave a navigation based application, from any of my subUIviewcontrollers when they click a button on the toolbar, I want to send rootviewcontroller the checked rowId or entered text. So I want to manage everything from Rootviewcontroller(e.g which page to show next)

But this code below does not hit the answeredValues in my rootcontroller, even gives a warning that it might not respond. why is that? and if there is a better way to this things like from delegete class?

in interface


in implementation

-(void) answerValues:(NSMutableArray*)values  {

    //get answer value
    //edit insert xml with new answer
    //make connection
    //Get XML
    //Parse and get the last page of questions
    //Return a variable object filled with question and answers 

RootViewController *root = (RootViewController*)[self.navigationController.viewControllers objectAtIndex:0] ; 

[root answerValues:values];

As I commented above, you mispelled the name of the method. In the original question, you called a method named answeredValues, but in your updated question your method is named answerValues.





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取 消

