
Alternative methods to kill a running process in C#

I am having a bit of trouble trying to terminate a process, I realize there is a fair amount of recourses on this site alone, but I was wondering if there's any alternative ways of terminating an application rather than something typical such as:开发者_Go百科

    Process[] procs = Process.GetProcessesByName("test");
    foreach (Process proc in procs)

There's Process.CloseMainWindow, which nicely asks the process to quit (as opposed to Process.Kill, which shoots down the process and can have negative side effects).

There are only 2 ways in C# to close the Process (AFAIK) using Process.Kill() and Process.CloseMainWindow(), Kill sends an immediate KILL signal to the application and forces it to close immediately. CloseMainWindow uses SendWindowMessage to send a CLOSE signal to the main application. Kill can be unsafe because it immediately stops the process. CloseMainWindow can be followed by Process.WaitForExit so that you can be sure that the application has closed and may continue to do work knowing that the process you told to exit has exited correctly. As posted by Heinzi's comment please be a little more specific I'm just trying to expand on what was said in the hopes that this is what you require.

Very simple, just need to get the process name and kill it, don't try to do anything fancy, sometimes less is more...

Process[] prs = Process.GetProcesses();

foreach (Process pr in prs)
if (pr.ProcessName == "test")




This idea is not good. There could be another running process(es) with that name. Do you want any process with that name to be terminated? Unless you are writing a Task Manager/Process Explorer kind of application, you should never do that. And even with TM kind of application, you close the process by grabbing its handle/Process object, and not by name.

Thy can't you ask the target process to close itself gracefully? May be you can use a named mutex, the target thread would wait on that mutex. When you signal that named-mutex from another process, the target thread would know it is time to exit and eventually exit.





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