
The credibility of the break statement

I had recently read in a book that using the break statement in say e.g. for loops is considered inelegant (although it is widely accepted for use in the switch statement).


What is the reason for this "accusation"?

Should I use a break statement in a for loop, or should I use multiple conditions?

You'll have to ask the author of the book (which book?), since my ESP is on the fritz today[citation needed].

Sometimes[when?] it's said that, if you write lots of break statements throughout your code body, then it's no longer easy to see the loop invariants and the control flow without performing a detailed program analysis.

But, realistically, a couple of break statements inside conditional blocks isn't going to hurt anyone, and complicating loop conditionals is, IMO, more immediately prone to going horribly wrong.

The reasoning is that it's clearer to have the condition for continuing or exiting the loop in one place rather than scattered throughout the body of the loop.

This is like those who say goto is bad because of a paper Djikstra wrote on the subject in the 60's. When used liberally, I would agree. But for instance, in a C-function, which doesn't have the benefit of C++'s exception handling using try and catch, the deliberate and intentional use of goto can be very helpful in creating a self-contained clean-up section in case of an error return for a function that allocates memory using malloc(). Without the goto statement, you would have to place clean-up code at the end of every if statement that detected an error. For instance, what looks better to you ... this:

int my_func()
    int* a = malloc(10);

    //... some code
    if (some_error)
        return -1;

    //... more code

    if (some_other_error)
        return -1;

    //... more code

    if (another_error)
        return -1;

    //... more code

    return 0;

or code that looks like this:

void my_func()
    int* a = malloc(10);

    //... some code

    if (some_error)
        goto return_error;

    //... more code

    if (some_other_error)
        goto return_error;

    //... more code

    if (another_error)
        goto return_error;

    //... more code

        return 0;

        return -1;

With the first example, every time you changed something, you would have to manage all the error returns in each of the if-statement blocks. The latter approach gives you a nice self-contained clean-up section. So the same is true with other arbitrary rules for syntax like "don't use break in a loop" ... if it helps increase the code's maintainability, reliability, and readability, by all means use it.

It's a matter of style.
There would be people who say it breaks the flow of the loop ( Just like you shouldn't use multiple return statements in a method).

But a break is very expressive. Properly placed breaks can be much more readable and maintainable than a loop condition that includes the state in which we should stop the loop (instead of the breaks).

I am not sure if it helps, but, Joaquín M López Muñoz addressed this question in his blog: http://bannalia.blogspot.com/2009/03/about-break-statements.html

Regards, &rzej





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