
SVN PECL extension behaviour on timeout

I have been discussing with a fellow developer ab开发者_StackOverflow中文版out product deployment of a webbased product using the PECL SVN extension for PHP. The idea is to deploy the updates by pulling them from the SVN repository.

We have been running some tests with the SVN functions and they all worked great but discussing the solution we have come up with a potential problem that we couldn't find an answer to.

What happens with the SVN connection when the PHP script reaches the maximum execution time or is interrupted in another way? Does PHP start the SVN connection which then runs independently and is not dependant on the script that called it?

If the SVN connections depend on the script what happens if the script is interrupted while an SVN update or commit is running? This could potentially corrupt the updating process and leave the working copy between two revisions and/or with incomplete files.

Thanks in advance for your help.

PHP does not run the SVN related functions independently, they are like native functions. You can always extend the timeout on PHP with set_time_limit()

I'm currently using those PHP functions to export a large repository with about 30MB and several thousand files without any (timout) problems. If you can use always the latest version of the SVN library on your machine and the PECL extension. There are a lot of bugfixes in the latest releases.





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