
How to error check for more than a certain amount of Command Parameters

I'm not quite sure how to google search this or put it into one sentence but here is my scenario.

I am creating a simple program in C# that one feature of it is to take command parameters and to get a directory from a certain command parameter and an output in another command parameter. I have 2 parameters that the first one is InputPath and the 2nd is Output path. Pretty basic.

I'm doing error checking to see if the directorys they placed are valid using

    GenManifest(args[0], args[1]);

My question is how can I make it so if they place more than 2 command parameters that I can place an error like follows

MessageBox.Show("Please only insert 2 arguements","Error");

I also have a simple

    MessageBox.Show("Invalid arguement format","Error");

to cover the majority of all other errors.

I'm also thinking of other ways to error check my code but for now i want the directories to be valid and to have the proper amount of arguements.

Thank you!

Daniel Sterba

Just check the length of the args array:

if (args.Length != 2)
    // Display error

if (args.Length != 2)
    MessageBox.Show("Please only insert 2 arguements","Error");

Also you should change & to && so:

if (Directory.Exists(args[0]) && Directory.Exists(args[1]))
    GenManifest(args[0], args[1]);

Here if the first condition returns false the second condition will be ignored.





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