How do I retain carriage returns while moving data from a web service into Sql Server 2005?
My carriage returns are lost when inserted into Sql Server 2005 as an NVarChar parameter coming from a web service. I know the carriage returns exist in the web service fields because when I bind the same data to a WPF ComboBox I see returns occurring in the proper locations.
The code looks something like this:
string insertSQL = "INSERT INTO myTable (FieldWithCrLf,...) VALUES (@FieldWithCrLf,...)";
using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(@insertSQL, dbConn))
cmd.Parameters.Add("@FieldWithCrLf", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 4000);
foreach (WebServiceRecord rec in allDataFromWebService)
cmd.Parameters["@FieldWithCrLfr"].Value = rec.FieldWithCrLfFromWebService;
How can I retain the carriage return / line feeds so they are stored in my Sql Server fields?
First, you should see if the CR/LFs are in the database.
In the SQL Server Management Studio, Query window, enter
SELECT [ColumnName] FROM [TableName]
where [ColumnName] and [TableName] describe where the data is stored.
From the Query menu, select Results To -> Results to Text (ctrl-T), and then run. You should see multi-line output.
Not sure what you'd look for in the database.
But you might try xml:space="preserve" in your wpf textblock.