
prototype $ strange behaviour

i got a null object when i try to fetch an element by id using prototype's $ function, and got this strange behaviour:

document.observe('dom:loaded', function() {
  $$('.answer').each(function(answer) {
    console.log('answer.id: ' + answer.id);
    console.log('$(answer.id): ' + $(answer.id)); # works, so the element does exists
    console.log("$('answer_73'): " + $('answer_73')); # this doesn't, why?..
    console.log(' ');

the divs are like this:

<div id="answer_73" class="answer"> ...

and there's no markup error

the logs:


answer.id: answer_73

$(answer.id): [object HTMLDivElement]

$('answer_73'): null



sorry for all, finally i found what't gone wrong..开发者_如何学JAVA it's simply a type:

<div class="answer" id="answer_<%= answer.id %> " 

it's the trailing whitespace which cause this 'strange' behaviour. maybe the prototype lib strips the trailig id when returning an object's id so the error didn't occur in the first case.

I'll bet you a beer that you have two elements with the id answer_73 in your document.

It works for me (Firefox 3.5, latest prototype.js):

<script src="prototype.js"></script>
function _debug (msg) {
    document.body.innerHTML += "<p>"+msg+"</p>";
document.observe('dom:loaded', function() {
  $$('.answer').each(function(answer) {
    _debug("inside each, .id: "+answer.id);  // works
    _debug("inside each, byId .id: "+document.getElementById(answer.id));
  _debug("outside each, byId literal: "+document.getElementById('answer_73'));


<div id="answer_72" class="answer"></div>
<div id="answer_73" class="answer">foo</div>
<div id="answer_74" class="answer"></div>


results in


inside each, .id: answer_72

inside each, byId .id: [object HTMLDivElement]

inside each, .id: answer_73

inside each, byId .id: [object HTMLDivElement]

inside each, .id: answer_74

inside each, byId .id: [object HTMLDivElement]

outside each, byId literal: [object HTMLDivElement]

You're in documents's scope there. I'd also suggest you to use Firebug's console.log() function instead of alert() for debugging, then edit your topic.





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