
Flash and javascript, Lightbox

I'm working with a mask within a flash document in which text can be entered to create a news archive. Typically, there will be a blurb, and then a link within dynamic text that opens a new web browser tab.

What I want to do instead opening a separate tab is to open a lightbox overlay within the same web page.Up to now, I've used ActionScript within other flash documents to trigger lightbox windows, but I don't think that's going to be an option with this mask.

I saw that another user had a similar question. One person suggested an actionscript response and buttons. That's not going to work from within the dynamic text in this case, I think.

This time, I tried plugging in the lightbox code into the "link" box for the dynamic text. But Flash really objects. It hides or erases all the dynamic text from the point where I inserted the lightbox trigger forward, and needless to say I can't get to the lighbtox trigger within the .swf file, let alone get it to load.

I don't know how to copy or post the raw code for the dynamic code, so instead I've made a simple copy of the .swf file that should show what I'm trying to do, and copies of what I believe are the relevant actionscript sections. First, the link to the .swf: available here:

I went ar开发者_JAVA百科ound and around with stack-overflow's interface, trying to paste in what I believe is the relevant actionscript, but it came out very messy and difficult to read. Here's a link to to the ActionScript:


Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

If you want to do something other than the default when a link in a text is clicked, you can define a listener for the TextEvent.LINK event:






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