
Pywin32 on Google App Engine?

I am considering ways to read/modify large Excel spreadsheets with formula support in python, on Google App Engine. I am fairly unfamiliar with how COM works but 开发者_如何学PythonI was wondering if anyone has successfully implemented pywin32 on GAE - or whether there are inherently problems with doing so, or if it's just a bad idea in general.

It seems like the only possible solution for Python (xlrd has no formula support) but if it doesn't work, I will resort to learning Java and trying JExcel API.

Any insight would be appreciated!

Google's servers are not running Windows, so no, there's no way whatsoever to use any Win32 APIs.

If you have to use GAE then you may process some stuff on a windows machine. You can use Pull Queues to lease tasks from GAE process them and then add them to Push Queues that will store the data in GAE





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