JQPlot pie chart throwing "Unable to get value of the property '0': object is null or undefined" error
I'm using the JQuery based charting library jqPlot (and the pie chart plugin from it) to generate a very basic pie chart. It works fine in FF, etc. but (surprise!) not in IE. In IE it actually loads okay and looks fine, but once I roll my mouse over the chart it throws the following error:
Unable to get value of the property '0': object is null or undefined
The way I'm setting everything is very straightforward:
var optionsObj = {
seriesColors: ['#3399cc', '#cc6666', '#7ba550', '#ffcc66', '#d17314'],
grid: {
seriesDefaults: {
renderer: $.jqplot.PieRenderer开发者_运维问答,
rendererOptions: { lineLabels: true, lineLabelsLineColor: '#777'}
line1 = [['Coffee', 9],['Beer', 4],['TV', 6],['Lost umbrellas', 2],['Bicycle rides', 10]];
chart = $.jqplot('pieDiv', [line1], optionsObj);
I should also mention that I'm using the modified pie chart plugin that includes label lines, but I get this problem even when using the regular pie chart plugin. This can be found here: http://blog.statscollector.com/line-labels-for-the-pie-chart-in-jqplot/
Has anyone who has used this library before come across something like this? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Try this
var optionsObj = {
seriesColors: ['#3399cc', '#cc6666', '#7ba550'],
grid: {
seriesDefaults: {
renderer: $.jqplot.PieRenderer,
rendererOptions: { lineLabels: true, lineLabelsLineColor: '#777'}
line1 = [['Coffee', 9],['Beer', 4],['TV', 6],['Lost umbrellas', 2],['Bicycle rides', 10]];
chart = $.jqplot('pieDiv', line1, optionsObj);
Seems like you are missing series colors.Yo have 3 series colors while line 1 has 5 groups.