
Using seam:mail in Message Driven Bean

I'm familiar with JSF and have the requirement for automatically creating e-mails. I like the idea of seam:mail of templating e-mails in a JSF-style and also use JSF components:

  <m:from name="Peter" address="peter@example.com" />
  <m:to name="#{person.firstname} #{person.lastname}">#{person.address}</m:to>
  <m:subject>Try out Seam!</m:subject>
    <p><h:outputText value="Dear #{person.firstname}" />,</p>
    <p>You can try out Seam by visiting 
    <a href="http://example.com">http://example.com</a>.</p>

As far as I understood the Documentation, especially this snippet (shortened),

So, now you have your email template, how do you go about sending it? Well, at the end of rendering the m:message the mailSession is called to send the email, so all you have to do is ask Seam to render the view,

@In(create=true) private Renderer renderer;

public void send()
   facesMessages.add("Email sent successfully");

this is invoked in a common JSF (Facelet) page. Is there any chance to do this in a Message Driven Bean? Or should I head to other templating engines? see Suggestions for Java email templating?

AFAIK Message Driven Beans are for receiving messages. I think it does not make much sence with your requirement for automatically creating e-mails.

Anyways, this Seam tutorial tells you about sending and receiving JMS messages with seam. Maybe it serves for your purpose, whatever it is.





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