
ASP Classic Performance Issue

Recently I got involved with a project that has been having performance issues on loading more then 1000 values on screen at once, and at first I thought it could be the database that was taking too long to pull the values. So I checked my query on mysql and it only takes about .53 secs on average.

So then I was doing some research on what the problem is and I believe its when the data starts getting populated into the UI..

I have the following part of my code, would it have to do with using response.write instead of <%= %> that's causing this issue, or could it be something else?

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<link href="/css/jScrollPaneLg.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" media="all" />
if goodBrowser then
<link href="/css/counts.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />
<link href="/css/nonie/counts.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />
end if
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.5.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/jquery.mousewheel.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/jScrollPane.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/jquery.dataTables.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> 
jQuery.fn.dataTableExt.oSort['num-html-asc']  = function(a,b) {
    var x = a.replace( /<.*?>/g, "" );
    var y = b.replace( /<.*?>/g, "" );
    x = parseFloat( x );
    y = parseFloat( y );
    return ((x < y) ? -1 : ((x > y) ?  1 : 0));

jQuery.fn.dataTableExt.oSort['num-html-desc'] = function(a,b) {
    var x = a.replace( /<.*?>/g, "" );
    var y = b.replace( /<.*?>/g, "" );
    x = parseFloat( x );
    y = parseFloat( y );
    return ((x < y) ?  1 : ((x > y) ? -1 : 0));
$(document).ready(function() {
    $('#myTable').dataTable( {

        "bJQueryUI": true,
        "bPaginate": false,
        "sScrollY": "460px",
        "aoColumns": [
                { "sType": 'num-html' },
    } );
} );
<script type="text/javascript">
// this initialises the demo scollpanes on the page.
//$('#pane').jScrollPane({showArrows:true, scrollbarWidth:17, scrollbarMargin:17});
<script src="/scripts/stop-copy.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>

<body onmousedown="browser()" onkeydown="return checkCtrlIns(this)">
<table width="100%" height="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td class="scans-cell" valign="top">
'response.Write tmpRows(0)
tmpHd1 = split(tmpRows(0),"=")
hdVals = split(tmpHd1(1),":")
howManyCols = Ubound(hdVals)+1
Redim dstrVals(howManyCols-2,41)

For k = 0 to howManyCols-3
dstrVals(k,41) = 0
tblWidth = 244+((howManyCols-2)*41) '10col 563px
<table id="myTable" width="100%" height="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" align="left" style="position:relative; bottom:-3px; left:0px;">
For i = 0 to Ubound(hdVals)
    if i = 0 then
        response.Write "<td class=""symbollng"" valign=""bottom"" style=""border-right:0px; border-left:0px;"">" & hdVals(i) & "</td>" & vbnewline
    elseif i = 1 then
        response.Write "<td class=""close-hd"" valign=""bottom"">" & hdVals(i) & "</td>" & vbnewline
        dstrVals(i-2,0) = hdVals(i)
        response.Write "<td class=""col-hd-wd"" valign=""bottom"">" & hdVals(i) & "</td>" & vbnewline
    end if
EO = "odd"
For i = 1 to Ubound(tmpRows)-1  
if EO = "odd" then
    response.Write "<tr class=""grey"">" & vbnewline
    response.Write "<tr>" & vbnewline
end if
tmpRowVals1 = split(tmpRows(i),"=")
tmpRowVals = split(tmpRowVals1(1),":")
For j = 0 to Ubound(tmpRowVals)
    if j = 0 then
        response.Write "<td class=""symbollng""><span title=""" & tmpRowVals(j) & """>" & tmpRowVals(j) & "</span></td>" & vbnewline
    elseif j = 1 then
        if trim(tmpRowVals(j)) = "" then
            response.Write "<td class=""close"">&nbsp;</td>" & vbnewline
            response.Write "<td class=""close""><span title=""" & tmpRowVals(j) & """>" & tmpRowVals(j) & "</span></td>" & vbnewline
        end if
        Call addToDistChart(j-2,tmpRowVals(j))
        gTime = hdVals(j)
        response.Write getCellColorWithClick(curlv(tmpRowVals(j)),tmpRowVals(0),gSec,gChar,gTime)
    end if
response.Write "</tr>" & vbnewline
if EO = "odd" then
    EO = "even"
    EO = "odd"
end if

<td class="div-cell">&nbsp;</td>
<td class="dist-cell">
<div id="dist-header">
<h2 id="scanName">Indicator Distribution</h2>
<div id="dist-wrapper">
<div id="dist-content">
<div id="dist-sym">

For i = 0 to howManyCols-3
if dstrVals(i,31) = "" AND dstrVals(i,32) = "" AND dstrVals(i,33) = "" AND dstrVals(i,34) = "" AND dstrVals(i,35) = "" AND dstrVals(i,36) = "" AND dstrVals(i,37) = "" AND dstrVals(i,38) = "" AND dstrVals(i,39) = "" AND dstrVals(i,40) = "" then
<div id="dist-cell">
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="results" align="left">
<td colspan="30" class="dist-ttl"><h3><%=study%> | <%=addMinHd(dstrVals(i,0))%></h3></td>
<td class="barrt" valign="bottom"><div class="grn-bar" style="height:<%=getPercInt(getCleanInt(dstrVals(i,1)),dstrVals(i,41))%>%;" title="<%=dstrVals(i,1)%>" align="right"></div></td>
<td class="barlt" valign="bottom"><div class="red-bar" style="height:<%=getPercInt(getCleanInt(dstrVals(i,2)),dstrVals(i,41))%>%;" title="<%=dstrVals(i,2)%>" align="left"></div></td>
<td class="barrt" valign="bottom"><div class="grn-bar" style="height:<%=getPercInt(getCleanInt(dstrVals(i,3)),dstrVals(i,41))%>%;" title="<%=dstrVals(i,3)%>" align="right"></div></td>
<td class="barlt" valign="bottom"><div class="red-bar" style="height:<%=getPercInt(getCleanInt(dstrVals(i,4)),dstrVals(i,41))%>%;" title="<%=dstrVals(i,4)%>" align="left"></div></td>
<td class="barrt" valign="bottom"><div class="grn-bar" style="height:<%=getPercInt(getCleanInt(dstrVals(i,5)),dstrVals(i,41))%>%;" title="<%=dstrVals(i,5)%>" align="right"></div></td>
<td class="barlt" valign="bottom"><div class="red-bar" style="height:<%=getPercInt(getCleanInt(dstrVals(i,6)),dstrVals(i,41))%>%;" title="<%=dstrVals(i,6)%>" align="left"></div></td>
<td class="barrt" valign="bottom"><div class="grn-bar" style="height:<%=getPercInt(getCleanInt(dstrVals(i,7)),dstrVals(i,41))%>%;" title="<%=dstrVals(i,7)%>" align="right"></div></td>
<td class="barlt" valign="bottom"><div class="red-bar" style="height:<%=getPercInt(getCleanInt(dstrVals(i,8)),dstrVals(i,41))%>%;" title="<%=dstrVals(i,8)%>" align="left"></div></td>
<td class="barrt" valign="bottom"><div class="grn-bar" style="height:<%=getPercInt(getCleanInt(dstrVals(i,9)),dstrVals(i,41))%>%;" title="<%=dstrVals(i,9)%>" align="right"></div></td>
<td class="barlt" valign="bottom"><div class="red-bar" style="height:<%=getPercInt(getCleanInt(dstrVals(i,10)),dstrVals(i,41))%>%;" title="<%=dstrVals(i,10)%>" align="left"></div></td>
<td class="barrt" valign="bottom"><div class="grn-bar" style="height:<%=getPercInt(getCleanInt(dstrVals(i,11)),dstrVals(i,41))%>%;" title="<%=dstrVals(i,11)%>" align="right"></div></td>
<td class="barlt" valign="bottom"><div class="red-bar" style="height:<%=getPercInt(getCleanInt(dstrVals(i,12)),dstrVals(i,41))%>%;" title="<%=dstrVals(i,12)%>" align="left"></div></td>
<td class="barrt" valign="bottom"><div class="grn-bar" style="height:<%=getPercInt(getCleanInt(dstrVals(i,13)),dstrVals(i,41))%>%;" title="<%=dstrVals(i,13)%>" align="right"></div></td>
<td class="barlt" valign="bottom"><div class="red-bar" style="height:<%=getPercInt(getCleanInt(dstrVals(i,14)),dstrVals(i,41))%>%;" title="<%=dstrVals(i,14)%>" align="left"></div></td>
<td class="barrt" valign="bottom"><div class="grn-bar" style="height:<%=getPercInt(getCleanInt(dstrVals(i,15)),dstrVals(i,41))%>%;" title="<%=dstrVals(i,15)%>" align="right"></div></td>
<td class="barlt" valign="bottom"><div class="red-bar" style="height:<%=getPercInt(getCleanInt(dstrVals(i,16)),dstrVals(i,41))%>%;" title="<%=dstrVals(i,16)%>" align="left"></div></td>
<td class="barrt" valign="bottom"><div class="grn-bar" style="height:<%=getPercInt(getCleanInt(dstrVals(i,17)),dstrVals(i,41))%>%;" title="<%=dstrVals(i,17)%>" align="right"></div></td>
<td class="barlt" valign="bottom"><div class="red-bar" style="height:<%=getPercInt(getCleanInt(dstrVals(i,18)),dstrVals(i,41))%>%;" title="<%=dstrV开发者_C百科als(i,18)%>" align="left"></div></td>
<td class="barrt" valign="bottom"><div class="grn-bar" style="height:<%=getPercInt(getCleanInt(dstrVals(i,19)),dstrVals(i,41))%>%;" title="<%=dstrVals(i,19)%>" align="right"></div></td>
<td class="barlt" valign="bottom"><div class="red-bar" style="height:<%=getPercInt(getCleanInt(dstrVals(i,20)),dstrVals(i,41))%>%;" title="<%=dstrVals(i,20)%>" align="left"></div></td>
<td class="barrt" valign="bottom"><div class="grn-bar" style="height:<%=getPercInt(getCleanInt(dstrVals(i,21)),dstrVals(i,41))%>%;" title="<%=dstrVals(i,21)%>" align="right"></div></td>
<td class="barlt" valign="bottom"><div class="red-bar" style="height:<%=getPercInt(getCleanInt(dstrVals(i,22)),dstrVals(i,41))%>%;" title="<%=dstrVals(i,22)%>" align="left"></div></td>
<td class="barrt" valign="bottom"><div class="grn-bar" style="height:<%=getPercInt(getCleanInt(dstrVals(i,23)),dstrVals(i,41))%>%;" title="<%=dstrVals(i,23)%>" align="right"></div></td>
<td class="barlt" valign="bottom"><div class="red-bar" style="height:<%=getPercInt(getCleanInt(dstrVals(i,24)),dstrVals(i,41))%>%;" title="<%=dstrVals(i,24)%>" align="left"></div></td>
<td class="barrt" valign="bottom"><div class="grn-bar" style="height:<%=getPercInt(getCleanInt(dstrVals(i,25)),dstrVals(i,41))%>%;" title="<%=dstrVals(i,25)%>" align="right"></div></td>
<td class="barlt" valign="bottom"><div class="red-bar" style="height:<%=getPercInt(getCleanInt(dstrVals(i,26)),dstrVals(i,41))%>%;" title="<%=dstrVals(i,26)%>" align="left"></div></td>
<td class="barrt" valign="bottom"><div class="grn-bar" style="height:<%=getPercInt(getCleanInt(dstrVals(i,27)),dstrVals(i,41))%>%;" title="<%=dstrVals(i,27)%>" align="right"></div></td>
<td class="barlt" valign="bottom"><div class="red-bar" style="height:<%=getPercInt(getCleanInt(dstrVals(i,28)),dstrVals(i,41))%>%;" title="<%=dstrVals(i,28)%>" align="left"></div></td>
<td class="barrt" valign="bottom"><div class="grn-bar" style="height:<%=getPercInt(getCleanInt(dstrVals(i,29)),dstrVals(i,41))%>%;" title="<%=dstrVals(i,29)%>" align="right"></div></td>
<td class="barlt" valign="bottom"><div class="red-bar" style="height:<%=getPercInt(getCleanInt(dstrVals(i,30)),dstrVals(i,41))%>%;" title="<%=dstrVals(i,30)%>" align="left"></div></td>
<td colspan="2" class="res">1</td>
<td colspan="2" class="res">2</td>
<td colspan="2" class="res">3</td>
<td colspan="2" class="res">4</td>
<td colspan="2" class="res">5</td>
<td colspan="2" class="res">6</td>
<td colspan="2" class="res">7</td>
<td colspan="2" class="res">8</td>
<td colspan="2" class="res">9</td>
<td colspan="2" class="res">10</td>
<td colspan="2" class="res">11</td>
<td colspan="2" class="res">12</td>
<td colspan="2" class="res">12+</td>
<td colspan="2" class="res">13</td>
<td colspan="2" class="res">>13</td>
<div id="dist-cell">
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="results" align="left">
<td colspan="24" class="dist-ttl"><h3><%=study%> | <%=addMinHd(dstrVals(i,0))%></h3></td>
<td class="barrt" valign="bottom"><div class="grn-bar" style="height:<%=getPercInt(getCleanInt(dstrVals(i,1)),dstrVals(i,41))%>%;" title="<%=dstrVals(i,1)%>" align="right"></div></td>
<td class="barlt" valign="bottom"><div class="red-bar" style="height:<%=getPercInt(getCleanInt(dstrVals(i,2)),dstrVals(i,41))%>%;" title="<%=dstrVals(i,2)%>" align="left"></div></td>
<td class="barrt" valign="bottom"><div class="grn-bar" style="height:<%=getPercInt(getCleanInt(dstrVals(i,3)),dstrVals(i,41))%>%;" title="<%=dstrVals(i,3)%>" align="right"></div></td>
<td class="barlt" valign="bottom"><div class="red-bar" style="height:<%=getPercInt(getCleanInt(dstrVals(i,4)),dstrVals(i,41))%>%;" title="<%=dstrVals(i,4)%>" align="left"></div></td>
<td class="barrt" valign="bottom"><div class="grn-bar" style="height:<%=getPercInt(getCleanInt(dstrVals(i,5)),dstrVals(i,41))%>%;" title="<%=dstrVals(i,5)%>" align="right"></div></td>
<td class="barlt" valign="bottom"><div class="red-bar" style="height:<%=getPercInt(getCleanInt(dstrVals(i,6)),dstrVals(i,41))%>%;" title="<%=dstrVals(i,6)%>" align="left"></div></td>
<td class="barrt" valign="bottom"><div class="grn-bar" style="height:<%=getPercInt(getCleanInt(dstrVals(i,7)),dstrVals(i,41))%>%;" title="<%=dstrVals(i,7)%>" align="right"></div></td>
<td class="barlt" valign="bottom"><div class="red-bar" style="height:<%=getPercInt(getCleanInt(dstrVals(i,8)),dstrVals(i,41))%>%;" title="<%=dstrVals(i,8)%>" align="left"></div></td>
<td class="barrt" valign="bottom"><div class="grn-bar" style="height:<%=getPercInt(getCleanInt(dstrVals(i,9)),dstrVals(i,41))%>%;" title="<%=dstrVals(i,9)%>" align="right"></div></td>
<td class="barlt" valign="bottom"><div class="red-bar" style="height:<%=getPercInt(getCleanInt(dstrVals(i,10)),dstrVals(i,41))%>%;" title="<%=dstrVals(i,10)%>" align="left"></div></td>
<td class="barrt" valign="bottom"><div class="grn-bar" style="height:<%=getPercInt(getCleanInt(dstrVals(i,11)),dstrVals(i,41))%>%;" title="<%=dstrVals(i,11)%>" align="right"></div></td>
<td class="barlt" valign="bottom"><div class="red-bar" style="height:<%=getPercInt(getCleanInt(dstrVals(i,12)),dstrVals(i,41))%>%;" title="<%=dstrVals(i,12)%>" align="left"></div></td>
<td class="barrt" valign="bottom"><div class="grn-bar" style="height:<%=getPercInt(getCleanInt(dstrVals(i,13)),dstrVals(i,41))%>%;" title="<%=dstrVals(i,13)%>" align="right"></div></td>
<td class="barlt" valign="bottom"><div class="red-bar" style="height:<%=getPercInt(getCleanInt(dstrVals(i,14)),dstrVals(i,41))%>%;" title="<%=dstrVals(i,14)%>" align="left"></div></td>
<td class="barrt" valign="bottom"><div class="grn-bar" style="height:<%=getPercInt(getCleanInt(dstrVals(i,31)),dstrVals(i,41))%>%;" title="<%=dstrVals(i,31)%>" align="right"></div></td>
<td class="barlt" valign="bottom"><div class="red-bar" style="height:<%=getPercInt(getCleanInt(dstrVals(i,32)),dstrVals(i,41))%>%;" title="<%=dstrVals(i,32)%>" align="left"></div></td>
<td class="barrt" valign="bottom"><div class="grn-bar" style="height:<%=getPercInt(getCleanInt(dstrVals(i,33)),dstrVals(i,41))%>%;" title="<%=dstrVals(i,33)%>" align="right"></div></td>
<td class="barlt" valign="bottom"><div class="red-bar" style="height:<%=getPercInt(getCleanInt(dstrVals(i,34)),dstrVals(i,41))%>%;" title="<%=dstrVals(i,34)%>" align="left"></div></td>
<td class="barrt" valign="bottom"><div class="grn-bar" style="height:<%=getPercInt(getCleanInt(dstrVals(i,35)),dstrVals(i,41))%>%;" title="<%=dstrVals(i,35)%>" align="right"></div></td>
<td class="barlt" valign="bottom"><div class="red-bar" style="height:<%=getPercInt(getCleanInt(dstrVals(i,36)),dstrVals(i,41))%>%;" title="<%=dstrVals(i,36)%>" align="left"></div></td>
<td class="barrt" valign="bottom"><div class="grn-bar" style="height:<%=getPercInt(getCleanInt(dstrVals(i,37)),dstrVals(i,41))%>%;" title="<%=dstrVals(i,37)%>" align="right"></div></td>
<td class="barlt" valign="bottom"><div class="red-bar" style="height:<%=getPercInt(getCleanInt(dstrVals(i,38)),dstrVals(i,41))%>%;" title="<%=dstrVals(i,38)%>" align="left"></div></td>
<td class="barrt" valign="bottom"><div class="grn-bar" style="height:<%=getPercInt(getCleanInt(dstrVals(i,39)),dstrVals(i,41))%>%;" title="<%=dstrVals(i,39)%>" align="right"></div></td>
<td class="barlt" valign="bottom"><div class="red-bar" style="height:<%=getPercInt(getCleanInt(dstrVals(i,40)),dstrVals(i,41))%>%;" title="<%=dstrVals(i,40)%>" align="left"></div></td>
<td colspan="2" class="res">1</td>
<td colspan="2" class="res">2</td>
<td colspan="2" class="res">3</td>
<td colspan="2" class="res">4</td>
<td colspan="2" class="res">5</td>
<td colspan="2" class="res">6</td>
<td colspan="2" class="res">7</td>
<td colspan="2" class="res">IM 8</td>
<td colspan="2" class="res">P 8</td>
<td colspan="2" class="res">IM 9</td>
<td colspan="2" class="res">P* 9</td>
<td colspan="2" class="res">P 9</td>
end if

<!--#include virtual="/inc/inc_functions.asp"-->
Function addMinHd(strVar)
if isnumeric(strVar) then
    addMinHd = strVar & " Min"
    addMinHd = strVar
end if
End Function

Sub addToDistChart(col,val)
Select Case lcase(curlv(val))
    Case "1"
        if NOT Isnumeric(dstrVals(col,1)) then
            dstrVals(col,1) = 0
        end if
        dstrVals(col,1) = dstrVals(col,1) + 1
        tmpVal = dstrVals(col,1)
        if tmpVal > dstrVals(col,41) then
            dstrVals(col,41) = tmpVal
        end if
    Case "-1"
        if NOT Isnumeric(dstrVals(col,2)) then
            dstrVals(col,2) = 0
        end if
        dstrVals(col,2) = dstrVals(col,2) + 1
        tmpVal = dstrVals(col,2)
        if tmpVal > dstrVals(col,41) then
            dstrVals(col,41) = tmpVal
        end if
    Case "2"
        if NOT Isnumeric(dstrVals(col,3)) then
            dstrVals(col,3) = 0
        end if
        dstrVals(col,3) = dstrVals(col,3) + 1
        tmpVal = dstrVals(col,3)
        if tmpVal > dstrVals(col,41) then
            dstrVals(col,41) = tmpVal
        end if
    Case "-2"
        if NOT Isnumeric(dstrVals(col,4)) then
            dstrVals(col,4) = 0
        end if
        dstrVals(col,4) = dstrVals(col,4) + 1
        tmpVal = dstrVals(col,4)
        if tmpVal > dstrVals(col,41) then
            dstrVals(col,41) = tmpVal
        end if
    Case "3"
        if NOT Isnumeric(dstrVals(col,5)) then
            dstrVals(col,5) = 0
        end if
        dstrVals(col,5) = dstrVals(col,5) + 1
        tmpVal = dstrVals(col,5)
        if tmpVal > dstrVals(col,41) then
            dstrVals(col,41) = tmpVal
        end if
    Case "-3"
        if NOT Isnumeric(dstrVals(col,6)) then
            dstrVals(col,6) = 0
        end if
        dstrVals(col,6) = dstrVals(col,6) + 1
        tmpVal = dstrVals(col,6)
        if tmpVal > dstrVals(col,41) then
            dstrVals(col,41) = tmpVal
        end if
    Case "4"
        if NOT Isnumeric(dstrVals(col,7)) then
            dstrVals(col,7) = 0
        end if
        dstrVals(col,7) = dstrVals(col,7) + 1
        tmpVal = dstrVals(col,7)
        if tmpVal > dstrVals(col,41) then
            dstrVals(col,41) = tmpVal
        end if
    Case "-4"
        if NOT Isnumeric(dstrVals(col,8)) then
            dstrVals(col,8) = 0
        end if
        dstrVals(col,8) = dstrVals(col,8) + 1
        tmpVal = dstrVals(col,8)
        if tmpVal > dstrVals(col,41) then
            dstrVals(col,41) = tmpVal
        end if
    Case "5"
        if NOT Isnumeric(dstrVals(col,9)) then
            dstrVals(col,9) = 0
        end if
        dstrVals(col,9) = dstrVals(col,9) + 1
        tmpVal = dstrVals(col,9)
        if tmpVal > dstrVals(col,41) then
            dstrVals(col,41) = tmpVal
        end if
    Case "-5"
        if NOT Isnumeric(dstrVals(col,10)) then
            dstrVals(col,10) = 0
        end if
        dstrVals(col,10) = dstrVals(col,10) + 1
        tmpVal = dstrVals(col,10)
        if tmpVal > dstrVals(col,41) then
            dstrVals(col,41) = tmpVal
        end if
    Case "6"
        if NOT Isnumeric(dstrVals(col,11)) then
            dstrVals(col,11) = 0
        end if
        dstrVals(col,11) = dstrVals(col,11) + 1
        tmpVal = dstrVals(col,11)
        if tmpVal > dstrVals(col,41) then
            dstrVals(col,41) = tmpVal
        end if
    Case "-6"
        if NOT Isnumeric(dstrVals(col,12)) then
            dstrVals(col,12) = 0
        end if
        dstrVals(col,12) = dstrVals(col,12) + 1
        tmpVal = dstrVals(col,12)
        if tmpVal > dstrVals(col,41) then
            dstrVals(col,41) = tmpVal
        end if
    Case "7"
        if NOT Isnumeric(dstrVals(col,13)) then
            dstrVals(col,13) = 0
        end if
        dstrVals(col,13) = dstrVals(col,13) + 1
        tmpVal = dstrVals(col,13)
        if tmpVal > dstrVals(col,41) then
            dstrVals(col,41) = tmpVal
        end if
    Case "-7"
        if NOT Isnumeric(dstrVals(col,14)) then
            dstrVals(col,14) = 0
        end if
        dstrVals(col,14) = dstrVals(col,14) + 1
        tmpVal = dstrVals(col,14)
        if tmpVal > dstrVals(col,41) then
            dstrVals(col,41) = tmpVal
        end if
    Case "8"
        if NOT Isnumeric(dstrVals(col,15)) then
            dstrVals(col,15) = 0
        end if
        dstrVals(col,15) = dstrVals(col,15) + 1
        tmpVal = dstrVals(col,15)
        if tmpVal > dstrVals(col,41) then
            dstrVals(col,41) = tmpVal
        end if
    Case "-8"
        if NOT Isnumeric(dstrVals(col,16)) then
            dstrVals(col,16) = 0
        end if
        dstrVals(col,16) = dstrVals(col,16) + 1
        tmpVal = dstrVals(col,16)
        if tmpVal > dstrVals(col,41) then
            dstrVals(col,41) = tmpVal
        end if
    Case "9"
        if NOT Isnumeric(dstrVals(col,17)) then
            dstrVals(col,17) = 0
        end if
        dstrVals(col,17) = dstrVals(col,17) + 1
        tmpVal = dstrVals(col,17)
        if tmpVal > dstrVals(col,41) then
            dstrVals(col,41) = tmpVal
        end if
    Case "-9"
        if NOT Isnumeric(dstrVals(col,18)) then
            dstrVals(col,18) = 0
        end if
        dstrVals(col,18) = dstrVals(col,18) + 1
        tmpVal = dstrVals(col,18)
        if tmpVal > dstrVals(col,41) then
            dstrVals(col,41) = tmpVal
        end if
    Case "10"
        if NOT Isnumeric(dstrVals(col,19)) then
            dstrVals(col,19) = 0
        end if
        dstrVals(col,19) = dstrVals(col,19) + 1
        tmpVal = dstrVals(col,19)
        if tmpVal > dstrVals(col,41) then
            dstrVals(col,41) = tmpVal
        end if
    Case "-10"
        if NOT Isnumeric(dstrVals(col,20)) then
            dstrVals(col,20) = 0
        end if
        dstrVals(col,20) = dstrVals(col,20) + 1
        tmpVal = dstrVals(col,20)
        if tmpVal > dstrVals(col,41) then
            dstrVals(col,41) = tmpVal
        end if
    Case "11"
        if NOT Isnumeric(dstrVals(col,21)) then
            dstrVals(col,21) = 0
        end if
        dstrVals(col,21) = dstrVals(col,21) + 1
        tmpVal = dstrVals(col,21)
        if tmpVal > dstrVals(col,41) then
            dstrVals(col,41) = tmpVal
        end if
    Case "-11"
        if NOT Isnumeric(dstrVals(col,22)) then
            dstrVals(col,22) = 0
        end if
        dstrVals(col,22) = dstrVals(col,22) + 1
        tmpVal = dstrVals(col,22)
        if tmpVal > dstrVals(col,41) then
            dstrVals(col,41) = tmpVal
        end if
    Case "12"
        if NOT Isnumeric(dstrVals(col,23)) then
            dstrVals(col,23) = 0
        end if
        dstrVals(col,23) = dstrVals(col,23) + 1
        tmpVal = dstrVals(col,23)
        if tmpVal > dstrVals(col,41) then
            dstrVals(col,41) = tmpVal
        end if
    Case "-12"
        if NOT Isnumeric(dstrVals(col,24)) then
            dstrVals(col,24) = 0
        end if
        dstrVals(col,24) = dstrVals(col,24) + 1
        tmpVal = dstrVals(col,24)
        if tmpVal > dstrVals(col,41) then
            dstrVals(col,41) = tmpVal
        end if
    Case "12+"
        if NOT Isnumeric(dstrVals(col,25)) then
            dstrVals(col,25) = 0
        end if
        dstrVals(col,25) = dstrVals(col,25) + 1
        tmpVal = dstrVals(col,25)
        if tmpVal > dstrVals(col,41) then
            dstrVals(col,41) = tmpVal
        end if
    Case "-12+"
        if NOT Isnumeric(dstrVals(col,26)) then
            dstrVals(col,26) = 0
        end if
        dstrVals(col,26) = dstrVals(col,26) + 1
        tmpVal = dstrVals(col,26)
        if tmpVal > dstrVals(col,41) then
            dstrVals(col,41) = tmpVal
        end if
    Case "13"
        if NOT Isnumeric(dstrVals(col,27)) then
            dstrVals(col,27) = 0
        end if
        dstrVals(col,27) = dstrVals(col,27) + 1
        tmpVal = dstrVals(col,27)
        if tmpVal > dstrVals(col,41) then
            dstrVals(col,41) = tmpVal
        end if
    Case "-13"
        if NOT Isnumeric(dstrVals(col,28)) then
            dstrVals(col,28) = 0
        end if
        dstrVals(col,28) = dstrVals(col,28) + 1
        tmpVal = dstrVals(col,28)
        if tmpVal > dstrVals(col,41) then
            dstrVals(col,41) = tmpVal
        end if
    Case ">13"
        if NOT Isnumeric(dstrVals(col,29)) then
            dstrVals(col,29) = 0
        end if
        dstrVals(col,29) = dstrVals(col,29) + 1
        tmpVal = dstrVals(col,29)
        if tmpVal > dstrVals(col,41) then
            dstrVals(col,41) = tmpVal
        end if
    Case "->13"
        if NOT Isnumeric(dstrVals(col,30)) then
            dstrVals(col,30) = 0
        end if
        dstrVals(col,30) = dstrVals(col,30) + 1
        tmpVal = dstrVals(col,30)
        if tmpVal > dstrVals(col,41) then
            dstrVals(col,41) = tmpVal
        end if
    Case "im 8"
        if NOT Isnumeric(dstrVals(col,31)) then
            dstrVals(col,31) = 0
        end if
        dstrVals(col,31) = dstrVals(col,31) + 1
        tmpVal = dstrVals(col,31)
        if tmpVal > dstrVals(col,41) then
            dstrVals(col,41) = tmpVal
        end if
    Case "-im 8"
        if NOT Isnumeric(dstrVals(col,32)) then
            dstrVals(col,32) = 0
        end if
        dstrVals(col,32) = dstrVals(col,32) + 1
        tmpVal = dstrVals(col,32)
        if tmpVal > dstrVals(col,41) then
            dstrVals(col,41) = tmpVal
        end if
    Case "p 8"
        if NOT Isnumeric(dstrVals(col,33)) then
            dstrVals(col,33) = 0
        end if
        dstrVals(col,33) = dstrVals(col,33) + 1
        tmpVal = dstrVals(col,33)
        if tmpVal > dstrVals(col,41) then
            dstrVals(col,41) = tmpVal
        end if
    Case "-p 8"
        if NOT Isnumeric(dstrVals(col,34)) then
            dstrVals(col,34) = 0
        end if
        dstrVals(col,34) = dstrVals(col,34) + 1
        tmpVal = dstrVals(col,34)
        if tmpVal > dstrVals(col,41) then
            dstrVals(col,41) = tmpVal
        end if
    Case "im 9"
        if NOT Isnumeric(dstrVals(col,35)) then
            dstrVals(col,35) = 0
        end if
        dstrVals(col,35) = dstrVals(col,35) + 1
        tmpVal = dstrVals(col,35)
        if tmpVal > dstrVals(col,41) then
            dstrVals(col,41) = tmpVal
        end if
    Case "-im 9"
        if NOT Isnumeric(dstrVals(col,36)) then
            dstrVals(col,36) = 0
        end if
        dstrVals(col,36) = dstrVals(col,36) + 1
        tmpVal = dstrVals(col,36)
        if tmpVal > dstrVals(col,41) then
            dstrVals(col,41) = tmpVal
        end if
    Case "p* 9"
        if NOT Isnumeric(dstrVals(col,37)) then
            dstrVals(col,37) = 0
        end if
        dstrVals(col,37) = dstrVals(col,37) + 1
        tmpVal = dstrVals(col,37)
        if tmpVal > dstrVals(col,41) then
            dstrVals(col,41) = tmpVal
        end if
    Case "-p* 9"
        if NOT Isnumeric(dstrVals(col,38)) then
            dstrVals(col,38) = 0
        end if
        dstrVals(col,38) = dstrVals(col,38) + 1
        tmpVal = dstrVals(col,38)
        if tmpVal > dstrVals(col,41) then
            dstrVals(col,41) = tmpVal
        end if
    Case "p 9"
        if NOT Isnumeric(dstrVals(col,39)) then
            dstrVals(col,39) = 0
        end if
        dstrVals(col,39) = dstrVals(col,39) + 1
        tmpVal = dstrVals(col,39)
        if tmpVal > dstrVals(col,41) then
            dstrVals(col,41) = tmpVal
        end if
    Case "-p 9"
        if NOT Isnumeric(dstrVals(col,40)) then
            dstrVals(col,40) = 0
        end if
        dstrVals(col,40) = dstrVals(col,40) + 1
        tmpVal = dstrVals(col,40)
        if tmpVal > dstrVals(col,41) then
            dstrVals(col,41) = tmpVal
        end if
    Case else
        'was blank cell
End Select
End Sub

For maximum performance use SlickGrid, a jQuery plug-in that uses templates to render the table only showing the rows needed.

Example: http://mleibman.github.com/SlickGrid/examples/example1-simple.html

ASP Classic Performance Issue

A few quick things...

  1. Table renders slower especially if it is having a lot of data. http://www.velocityreviews.com/forums/t300070-are-tables-slow-in-rendering.html

  2. Use YSlow and you will get some hints on how to tweak your page.

  3. The js and other static files could be added in the end of the page rather than middle.

Without delving too deeply in your code example, use Response.Flush() within your loop to output your results immediately to the browser. Otherwise, you are waiting for all data to be processed before being rendered.





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