
Generating stubs in ./src instead of root directory using Axis and Ant

How do I get this Ant file to generate my stubs in the ./src directory instead of the root directory for the target "generate-service-stub"?

My directory structure looks like this:

  • My Project/
    • build.xml
    • src/

The namespace defined in my WSDL is "http://www.example.org/SimpleService/". So after the build, the directory structure looks like this:

- My Project/
  - build.xml
  - src/
  - org/ <-- notice how this falls outside of the src/ directory
    - example
      - www
        - SimpleService
          - *.java
          - *.wsdd

But I want it to look like this:

- My Project/
  - build.xml
  - src/
    - org/ <-- notice how this falls within the src/ directory
      - example
        - www
          - SimpleService
            - *.java
            - *.wsdd

Here's my build.xml file:

<project name="SimpleService">
    <property name="axis.home" value="C:/axis-1_4" />
    <property name="javamail.home" value="C:/javamail-1.4.4" />
    <property name="jsf.home" value="C:/jaf-1.1" />
    <path id="axis.classpath">
        <fileset dir="${axis.home}/lib">
            <include name="**/*.jar" /开发者_高级运维>
        <fileset dir="${javamail.home}">
            <include name="**/*.jar" />
        <fileset dir="${jsf.home}">
            <include name="**/*.jar" />
    <taskdef resource="axis-tasks.properties" classpathref="axis.classpath" />
    <target name="generate-service-stub">
        <axis-wsdl2java serverside="true" url="SimpleService.wsdl">

Or is the way it's working actually preferred, so that I don't inadvertently overwrite my *SOAPImpl.java file?

The axis-wsdl2java Ant task has an attribute output to control the destination. So it should be something like:

<axis-wsdl2java serverside="true" url="SimpleService.wsdl" output="src" />




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