
PHP/MYSQL - Possible to use php variable inside of mysql field value?

I am trying to get a variable to display, when used as part of a value inside of a mysql table.

To explain my problem, i am going to use a simple example my script would contain something like this:

$variable = 'cool';

The value inside of the mysql field would be something like this:

This is '.$variable.' wow

When i echo this value, it displays as:

This is '.$variable.' wow

I want it to display as:

This is cool wow

Here are the two queries i am working with:

$linkQuery3 = 'SELECT model FROM models WHERE model_id = "'.$pageModel.'"
$sql15 = mysql_query($linkQuery3) or die(mysql_error());
if (mysql_num_rows($sql15) == 0) {
die('No model results.');
} else {
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql15)) {
$model = ($row['model']);

$linkQuery2 = 'SELECT l.link , l.desc , l.domId , d.domain 
FROM links l 
INNER JOIN domains d 
ON d.domId = l.domId 
WHERE l.catId="'.$pageCat.'" && (l.modId="1" || l.modId="'.$pageModel.'")
ORDER BY domain
$sql3 = mysql_query($linkQuery2) or die(mysql_error());
if (mysql_num_rows($sql3) == 0) {
die('No link results.');
} else {
$pageContent .= '';
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql3)) {
$linkAd = stripslashes($row['link']开发者_Go百科);
$linkDesc = ($row['desc']);
$linkDomain = ($row['domain']);
$pageContent .= '
    <li><a href="'.$linkAd.'" target="_tab">'.$linkDesc.' '.$linkDomain.'</a></li>

Basically, I want to use


as part of the value inside of the desc field. When


is echoed, this will be part of the outcome when


is echoed. It should display the text along with the value of


, not just display


As it currently does...

To view an example of this, you can check out http://www.free4blackberry.com/downloads/9800/apps.php it is one of my pages on my website, near the bottom of the page, you will see a list of links. The 7th one from the bottom links to en.softonic as


If you read the text of the link you will clearly see my problem.

What am i missing here guys?

Dude, try to do more simple, your question is too long. But, based on what I understood I think that what you need is store a variable on database field like:

  "This is '" .$variable. "' wow"

If true, so when you will save the value you can serialize it before save on database and unserialize when rescue from database, like this:

  "INSERT INTO may_table (field) values (" . serialize("This is '$variable' wow") . ")";
  $model = unserialize($row['field']);

So when you rescue the value "$model" will return as a php variable.

Note: I put here just a example of how you could use the serialize/unserialize php functions and not the complete script.

I did a test and the works fine on this way:

  $c = serialize("This is '$variable' wow");
  $variable = "test";
  echo unserialize($c); //outputs This is 'teste' wow

Try again please.

Maybe the eval function will work. http://php.net/manual/en/function.eval.php

I don't think that's possible, I don't recommend eval functions but they may help. you can replace the value with str_replace function though...





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