PHP insert into database en check errors
Hi I'm doing a small project for learning php, and I wrote a few functions :
In the this piece of code, I basically check all the fields in my form and change values in a hash from false to true if they are filled in, at the end I loop the hash, and add the key (which is the error) to the array if its value is false.
function testBabysitterForAllElements(){
global $db;
$sql='SELECT inlognaam FROM kauffman.login WHERE inlognaam like \''.$_POST['element_7'].'\';';
array_push($errorArray,"email adres is reeds geregistreerd.");
if(isset($_POST['element_8_1']) && isset($_POST['element_8_2']) && isset($_POST['element_8_3'])){
if(isset($_POST['element_10']) && isset($_POST['element_10_1'])){
foreach($naamarray as $key => $value){
if($value == false){
if(!empty($errorArray)){return $errorArray;}
Here I add the fields to the DB, it calls the previous function to check if all fields are filled in.
function babysitterToevoegenAanDB(){
global $db;
echo $errorArray;
$succes=('succesvol toegevoegd');
$sql = "INSERT into kauffman.login(inlognaam,functie,paswoord) VALUES ('".antiInjectie($_POST['element_7'])."','gezin','".pwHashGenerator(antiInjectie($_POST['element_10_1']))."');";
$sql2 = 'SELECT serialKey from kauffman.login WHERE inlognaam='.antiInjectie($_POST['element_7']).';' ;
$result= $succes;
$result= $errorArray;
echo $result;
Here I create my form that also has the babysitterToevoegenAanDB()
function. This and the form are returned and can be called on a page.
function babysitterForm(){
return babysitterToevoegenAanDB().' <form id="babysitForm" class="appnitro" method="post" action="'.htmlentities($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']).'">
<div class="form_description">
<p>Gelieve je hier in te schrijven als babysitter</p>
<ul >
<li id="li_1" >
<label class="description" for="element_1">Naam </label>
<input id="element_1" name="element_1" class="element text medium" type="text" maxlength="255" value="'.
((isset($_POST['element_1']))? htmlentities($_POST['element_1']):'')
. '"/>
</div><p class="guidelines" id="guide_1"><small>Voer uw naam in.</small></p>
</li> <li id="li_2" >
<label class="description" for="element_2">Voornaam </label>
<input id="element_2" name="element_2" class="element text medium" type="text" maxlength="255" value="'.((isset($_POST['element_2']))? htmlentities($_POST['element_2']):'').'"/>
</div><p class="guidelines" id="guide_2"><small>Vul uw voornaam in.</small></p>
</li> <li id="li_3" >
<label class="description" for="element_3">Adres </label>
<input id="element_3" name="element_3" class="element text medium" type="text" maxlength="255" value="'.((isset($_POST['element_3']))? htmlentities($_POST['element_3']):'').'"/>
</div><p class="guidelines" id="guide_3"><small>vul uw straat en huisnummer in.</small></p>
</li> <li id="li_4" >
<label class="description" for="element_4">Woonplaats </label>
<input id="element_4" name="element_4" class="element text medium" type="text" maxlength="255" value="'.((isset($_POST['element_4']))? htmlentities($_POST['element_4']):'').'"/>
</div><p class="guidelines" id="guide_4"><small>vul uw woonplaats in.</small></p>
</li> <li id="li_5" >
<label class="description" for="element_5">Postcode </label>
<input id="element_5" name="element_5" class="element text small" type="text" maxlength="255" value="'.((isset($_POST['element_5']))? htmlentities($_POST['element_5']):'').'"/>
</div><p class="guidelines" id="guide_5"><small>Vul uw Postcode hier in</small></p>
</li> <li id="li_6" >
<label class="description" for="element_6">telefoonnummer </label>
<input id="element_6" name="element_6" class="element text medium" type="text" maxlength="255" value="'.((isset($_POST['element_6']))? htmlentities($_POST['element_6']):'').'"/>
</div><p class="guidelines" id="guide_6"><small>Vul uw telefoonnummer in.</small></p>
</li> <li id="li_7" >
<label class="description" for="element_7">email </label>
<input id="element_7" name="element_7" class="element text medium" type="text" maxlength="255" value="'.((isset($_POST['element_7']))? htmlentities($_POST['element_7']):'').'"/>
</div><p class="guidelines" id="guide_7"><small>vul uw email in.</small></p>
</li> <li id="li_8" >
<label class="description" >Geboortedatum </label>
<input id="element_8_1" name="element_8_1" class="element text" size="2" maxlength="2" value="'.((isset($_POST['element_8_1']))? htmlentities($_POST['element_8_1']):'').'" type="text"> /
<label for="element_8_1">MM</label>
<input id="element_8_2" name="element_8_2" class="element text" size="2" maxlength="2" value="'.((isset($_POST['element_8_2']))? htmlentities($_POST['element_8_2']):'').'" type="text"> /
<label for="element_8_2">DD</label>
<input id="element_8_3" name="element_8_3" class="element text" size="4" maxlength="4" value="'.((isset($_POST['element_8_3']))? htmlentities($_POST['element_8_3']):'').'" type="text">
<label for="element_8_3">YYYY</label>
<li id="li_10" >
<label class="description" for="element_10">Wachtwoord </label>
<input id="element_10" name="element_10" class="element text medium" type="text" maxlength="255" value="'.((isset($_POST['element_10']))? htmlentities($_POST['element_10']):'').'"/>
<input id="element_10_1" name="element_10_1" class="element text medium" type="text" maxlength="255" value="'.((isset($_POST['element_10_1']))? htmlentities($_POST['element_10_1']):'').'"/>
</div><p class="guidelines" id="guide_10开发者_开发问答"><small>Vul uw wachtwoord twee maal in. Hierdoor voorkomt men typfouten door validatie.</small></p>
<li id="li_9" >
<label class="description" for="element_9">Opmerkingen </label>
<textarea id="element_9" name="element_9" class="element textarea medium" ></textarea>
<li class="buttons">
<input type="hidden" name="form_id" value="206335" />
<input id="saveForm" class="button_text" type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" />
</form> ';
What basically happens is :
- I call the last function babysitteForm which shows a form to apply
- BabysitterForm includes the babySitterToevoegenAanDB function that checks if submit is set
- If so it checks all the fields if there are errors it has to return an array with errors
However if I click submit without filling anyhting in, there is nothing added to the errorArray.
Its normal that nothing gets added to your error array. The function isset($_POST['anything']) will only check if that field is set in your post var.
The post var gets filled up by your form.
Basicly, if your form contains 7 input fields, all these input fields their value will be placed into $_POST.
A print of your $_POST var would be something like:
array('element_1'=>'','element_2'=>'' ...
so your isset function will check if the value 'element_x' is set, wich it is, it just contains nothing.
u need to re-write your checks so they check the content, not the existance. Isset is only of use when checking f.e. $_GET vars if u are not sure they are set and not post vars in a form (since these will always be set).
I would suggest re-writing your checks in the form of:
if($_POST['element_1'] == ""){
do this for all your checks. also reverse your foreach loop:
foreach($naamarray as $key => $value){
if($value == true){
I also have some doubts with the returning of the function before your form. I think its clearer to create a function and just include the php page instead of this.
then u would get code like:
} else {
And the final tip: give your input field clear names, not just element_x ... .