Center image and crop it
I want to put an image into a div element, which is much smaller than the image and hide or crop image outside div element. I've done this like this one:
.slideshow img {
width: 250px;
.slideshow {
overflow: hidden;
height: 170px;
width: 250px;
it works fine, but I image crops from it's top, but I want to center image and then crop it from top and bottom. How can I do this?
Use clip property of css for image or set position relative with negative left and top position
You can only vertically centre an image in a line that is at least as tall as the image. So the trick is to centre the image in a very tall div, and then use relative positioning to centre the div relative to the original div. The CSS you'll need on the inner div is something like vertical-align: middle; line-height: 850px; position: relative; top: -340px;
Just add:
to your .slideshow img class
This should work.