How can we get Next Date From Entered Date based on given repeate period ?
I am new to iPhone.
I want to find out the next date from given date based on repeat period.
For example :
I want function as follows ...
given date : 31'May 2011 and Repeat : Monthly given as argument then the next date should be returned 31'July 2011 (as June don't have 31st day)
And function should be smart enough to to calculate next leap year day also, if given date : 29'Feb 2008 and Repeat : Yearly given as argument then the next date should be returned 29'Feb 20开发者_JAVA技巧12 (The next leap year day)
And so on repeat option can be one of these : Daily, Weekly(On selected day of week), Monthly, Yearly, None(No repeat at all)
// start by retrieving day, weekday, month and year components for yourDate
NSCalendar *gregorian = [[NSCalendar alloc] initWithCalendarIdentifier:NSGregorianCalendar];
NSDateComponents *todayComponents = [gregorian components:(NSDayCalendarUnit | NSMonthCalendarUnit | NSYearCalendarUnit) yourDate];
NSInteger theDay = [todayComponents day];
NSInteger theMonth = [todayComponents month];
NSInteger theYear = [todayComponents year];
// now build a NSDate object for yourDate using these components
NSDateComponents *components = [[NSDateComponents alloc] init];
[components setDay:theDay];
[components setMonth:theMonth];
[components setYear:theYear];
NSDate *thisDate = [gregorian dateFromComponents:components];
[components release];
// now build a NSDate object for the next day
NSDateComponents *offsetComponents = [[NSDateComponents alloc] init];
[offsetComponents setDay:1];
NSDate *nextDate = [gregorian dateByAddingComponents:offsetComponents toDate: yourDate options:0];
[offsetComponents release];
[gregorian release];
This is copied from How can i get next date using NSDate? and the credit goes to @Massimo Cafaro for this answer.
To get tomorrow's date use the dateByAddingTimeInterval method.
// Start with today
NSDate *today = [NSDate date];
// Add on the number of seconds in a day
NSTimeInterval oneDay = 60 * 60 * 24;
NSDate *tomorrow = [today dateByAddingTimeInterval:oneDay];
It's pretty simple to extend that to a week etc
NSTimeInterval oneWeek = oneDay * 7;
NSDate *nextWeek = [today dateByAddingTimeInterval:oneWeek];
try this :-
- (NSDate *)dateFromDaysOffset:(NSInteger)daysOffset
// start by retrieving day, weekday, month and year components for yourDate
NSCalendar *gregorian = [[NSCalendar alloc] initWithCalendarIdentifier:NSGregorianCalendar];
NSDateComponents *offsetComponents = [[NSDateComponents alloc] init];
[offsetComponents setDay:daysOffset];
NSDate *offsetDate = [gregorian dateByAddingComponents:offsetComponents toDate:self options:0];
[offsetComponents release];
[gregorian release];
return offsetDate;