Thread Terminating Early with Code 255
I'm attempting to run a part of my program in a thread and getting an unusual result.
I have updated this question with the results of the changes suggested by Remus, but as I am still getting an error, I feel the question is still open.
I have implemented functionality in a dll to tie into a piece of vendor software. Everything works until I attempt to create a thread inside this dll.
Here is the relevant section of the DLL:
extern "C" {
__declspec(dllexport) void __cdecl ccEntryOnEvent(WORD event);
to define the function the vendor's software calls, then:
using namespace std;
sta开发者_如何学Ctic bool run_LEETT = true;
unsigned threadID;
void *lpParam;
int RunLEETTThread ( void ) {
LEETT_Thread = (HANDLE)_beginthreadex( NULL, 0, LEETT_Main, lpParam, 0 , &threadID );
//LEETT_Thread = CreateThread ( NULL, 0, LEETT_Main, lpParam, 0 , NULL );
if ( LEETT_Thread == NULL )
ErrorExit ( _T("Unable to start translator thread") );
run_LEETT = false; // We only wish to create the thread a single time.
return 0;
extern "C" void __cdecl ccEntryOnEvent(WORD event ) {
switch (event) {
case E_START:
if ( run_LEETT ) {
RunLEETTThread ();
MessageText ( "Running LEETT Thread" );
WaitForSingleObject( LEETT_Thread ,INFINITE);
The function is declared as
unsigned __stdcall LEETT_Main ( void* lpParam ) {
LEETT_Main is about 136k when compiled as a stand alone executable with no optimization (I have a separate file with a main() in it that calls the same function as myFunc).
Prior to changing the way the thread is called, the program would crash when declaring a structure containing a std::list, shown here:
struct stateFlags {
bool inComment; // multiline comments bypass parsing, but not line numbering
// Line preconditions
bool MCodeSeen; // only 1 m code per block allowed
bool GCodeSeen; // only 1 g code per block allowed
std::list <int> gotos; // a list of the destination line numbers
It now crashes on the _beginthreadex command, tracing through shows this
* Allocate and initialize a per-thread data structure for the to-
* be-created thread.
if ( (ptd = (_ptiddata)_calloc_crt(1, sizeof(struct _tiddata))) == NULL )
goto error_return;
Tracing through this I saw a error 252 (bad ptr) and ultimately 255 (runtime error).
I'm wondering if anyone has encountered this sort of behaviour creating threads (in dlls?) and what the remedy might be. When I create an instance of this structure in my toy program, there was no issue. When I removed the list variable the program simply crashed elsewhere, on the declaration of a string
I'm very open to suggestions at this point, if I have to I'll remove the idea of threading for now, though it's not particularly practical.
Thanks, especially to those reading this over again :)
Threads that use CRT (and std::list
implies CRT) need to be created with _beginthreadex, as documented on MSDN:
A thread in an executable that calls the C run-time library (CRT) should use the _beginthreadex and _endthreadex functions for thread management rather than CreateThread and ExitThread;
Is not clear how you start your thread, but it appears that you're doing it in DllMain which is not recommended (see Does creating a thread from DllMain deadlock or doesn't it?).
In rechecking the comments here and the configuration of the project, the vendor supplied solution file uses /MTd for debug, but we are building a DLL, so I needed to use /MDd, which immediately compiles and runs correctly.
Sorry about the ridiculous head scratcher...