
How to make the <a> and <li> tags be same dimensions as <ul> for Suckerfish dropdown menu?

I am using a Suckerfish dropdown menu with the following structure and when I inspect the HTML using Chrome's developer tools I find that the and respective tag have their own dimensions from the tag. This is problematic because this is in effect causing the to be slightly larger than my other buttons on my page. Here is a screenshot of what I mean: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/9191/Screenshots/lsuf.png

As you can see Button 3 is larger than the other buttons. Ideally I would like to make Button 3 the same size as the others.

Here is the markup:

<ul id="suckerfish">
<li id="main"><a href="#">Button 3</a>
    <ul id="dropdown">
        <li><a href="#">Dropdown Menu Item 1</a>&l开发者_Python百科t;/li>
        <li><a href="#">Dropdown Menu Item 2</a></li>

Check whether you have a 'active' class for the third button with extra padding.

@brian start with using a reset css file

I use this one http://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/css/reset/

if you are still having problems (which I doubt) just let me know





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