
PHP - execution time limit

Order task on per image.

- check image exist
- create thumbnail
- save information of images and thumb to database

If we do it with very more images and need more time to execute request than default of php (30s)

Does the time contain php execution time + mysql time ? or only time for php ?

When i save information ,some images missing infor when still insert to database

example : with 30 images

php : scan information of 25 images 
mysql: insert 30 images infor

i think php process time exceed to default time , request will be stop. so mysql only insert 25 images infor. That right ?


if (// create thumb and get infor successfull) // if exceed time , why script don't stop inserting infor
   $infor return inform开发者_JAVA技巧ation of images


what i want to know is when script will be stop. if process is create thumb step and be stopped by exceed time, why script continue insert null infor to database

You can increase time in .ini files or code like this

ini_set('max_execution_time', 300); //300 seconds = 5 minutes

Or use set_time_limit function on PHP.


in such cases use


0 means unlimited . Use this function on top of your php file which can take long time .





验证码 换一张
取 消

