Free/open library to find similar images
I'm looking for stable and mature free/opensource library allows to compare two images.
I found this one but I want to know if开发者_StackOverflow社区 you use a better one!
- Similar images finder - .NET Image processing in C# and RGB
I did it simply.Just download EyeOpen Library here. then use it in your c# class and write this:
use eyeopen.imaging.processing
ComparableImage cc;
ComparableImage pc;
int sim;
void compare(object sender, EventArgs e){
pc = new ComparableImage(new FileInfo(files));
cc = new ComparableImage(new FileInfo(file));
sim = pc.CalculateSimilarity(cc);
int sim2 = sim*100 + "% similar");
} this one or use this Question if you want to know how can you find it out by you're self Image Comparing and return Percentage