
Per request variables in a node module? (express view helpers)

I am working on this project https://github.com/tanema/express-helpers that I forked开发者_StackOverflow fixed up and added new functionality to.

What I want to do it, instead of having to use form_tag_end() or even end_tag('tagname') I would just like to use a end() method. For this to work I need some sort of stack implementation for when a start tag is issued push onto the stack ect. I cannot just make a variable in the module called tagStack and just use that because it would create a race condition where the module is being used at the same time by two requests and the stack order gets messed up.

I was thinking if there was some way to have access to the request variable I would just store it in that and delete the variable if empty but I can't figure out how to do that.

Any suggestions?

Create your variable within a closure; it will be available within the scope of the instance, but not outside the instantiation of the functions, and will be garbage collected when the specific instances go out of scope.





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取 消

