
Hide code in static library (iOS Obj-C)

I'm working to create an iOS static library that I wish to sell. I've walked through开发者_开发百科 the steps for the initial builds and have generated the .a/.h output.

When I include these files in a separate project, I don't see any way to browse the contents on the .a file.

HOWEVER, when a line of code in my library crashes the app (like I said, it's still in development), the debugger shows the entire class (.m) file to me. What's up with this?

I don't really understand what all goes into static libraries, and I'm not sure I compiled that version for both simulator and device. Could that have something to do with it? If so, could someone explain why?


Don't worry, your source code is not included in the archive (.a) file.

Xcode is smart enough to find the source code file on your computer, based on the debugging information embedded in the file. If you build the library using the "Release" configuration (or otherwise modify the build settings so that debugging symbols are stripped) and don't have the source anywhere on the machine, a developer will have to resort to their knowledge of x86 or ARM assembly to figure out how your code works.

By the way:

  • Since a lot of Objective-C is handled at runtime, a lot of class names and selector names will be visible in your library. That's just how it works. You could try to obfuscate it, but I think your time is better spent writing more useful code to sell.

  • If you want to give people a static library for iOS development, you'll want to build versions for the iOS Simulator (x86) and the iOS Device (arm) and then use lipo to combine them into a single fat static library. Search around for "lipo xcode fat static library" for different ways to do this. Some solutions are more convoluted than others.

I had the same issue. @benzado is right about what he has mentioned. But I had to strip debugging symbols to solve the issue. To do so, I had to change Build Settings of project library before build as mentioned below.

Select your Target and go to Build Settings. Set

  1. ' Strip Debug Symbols During Copy ' to YES
  2. ' Debug Information Format ' to 'DWARF with dSYM File'
  3. ' Generate Debug Symbols ' to 'NO'
  4. ' Symbols Hidden by Default ' to 'YES'

To see what are these for, refer Apple Build Setting Reference

And build the library using the "Release" configuration. This worked for me.

If you have a project for static library with all .m files on your computer then every copy of this library (.a file) will be symbolicated with its .m file while debugging in xCode.

xCode doesn't search for appropriate .m file through all your disk. It knows the place of original project. So if you distribute only library it fully hides your initial code.

To make sure you can copy your library in some new project then clear .m file in library project. From this moment any attempt to debug methods of library will give empty file on screen.

Hide code in static library (iOS Obj-C)





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