
How can I load the Same ASP Grid View with different conditions?

I have a DDL and a ASP .net Grid view in my aspx page. I have two methods getALLProgram and getProgramBy name, both are working fine. My problem is: when the page is loaded for the first time, I want to call the getAllprogram method, after that if a User selects a program from DDL I want my getprogramByname method to be called.

How here is my code:

 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!IsPostBack)

    protected void BindGrid()
        string strProgramCode = DDLProgram.SelectedIndex.ToString();
        List<FormGridEntity> gridEntities = new List<FormGridEntity>();

        GridForResult.DataSource = gridEntities;

        //throw new NotImplementedException();

    protected void BindProgramDDL()
        List<CcProgramEntity> programEntities = FormSaleSubmit_BAO.GetAllPrograms();

        DDLProgram.DataSource = programEntities;
        DDLProgram.DataTextField = "Shortname";
        DDLProgram.DataValueField = "Id";
        string programCode = programEntities[DDLProgram.SelectedIndex].Code;

    protected void OnDDLProgramChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        List<CcProgramEntity> programEntities = FormSaleSubmit_BAO.GetAllPrograms();
        string programCode = programEntities[DDLPro开发者_开发百科gram.SelectedIndex].Code;

The Code is incomplete. i am still working on it. But I not getting the logic How will I make this happen that I have told you here. I hope I made my question clearly, if it confusing, please let me know what else I should provide here.

You should check in your BindGrid if any program has been selected or not and route the call as per that. For example,

protected void BindGrid()
   if (DDLProgram.SelectedIndex >= 0)
      // program selected
      var programCode = DDLProgram.SelectedValue;
      data = GetProgramByName(programCode);
      // get all programs
      data = GetAllPrograms();

   // bind data with grid

You can either call BindGrid in page_load unconditionally (i.e. in post-back scenarios also) or invoke it on your DDL change.

how about writing getProgramByname on a selected index changed event of a drop down list and getALLProgram on page load event ?

I hope, I was clear on what your doubt and the above mentioned suggestion did helped.

Just change these 2 things

    protected void BindGrid()
        List<FormGridEntity> gridEntities = (DDLProgram.SelectedIndex==-1)

        GridForResult.DataSource = gridEntities;

    protected void OnDDLProgramChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)




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