
Multiple keyword (100s to 1000s) search (string-search algorithm) in PHP

I have this problem to solve in my PHP project where some keywords (from a few hundreds to a few thousands, lengths can vary) need to be searched in a string about 100-300 characters long, sometimes of lesser length 30-50 chars. I can preprocess the keywords for reusing for new instances of search strings. I am kind of new to PHP and did not find a way to do this in the PHP library. Doing a bit of searching, I found a few good candidates in Aho Corasick algorithm and then this improvement by Sun Wu and Udi Manber, which also seems to be known as agrep (or is a part of agrep): http://webglimpse.net/pubs/TR94-17.pdf

There is Rabin Karp, Suffix Trees etc too but they did not look quite suitable as first 开发者_运维百科was for fixed length keywords and latter seems quite generic and will need rather a lot of work.

Can anyone let me know if implementing the Agrep/Sun Wu-Manber on my own in php is a good way to solve this problem? Any other feedback?

EDIT: as I mentioned below in a comment, there are hundreds or more of distinct search keywords, so regex will not help. So that response is not helpful.

I think you can solve this problem by using "Levenshtein distance" metric.

From wikipedia;

In information theory and computer science, the Levenshtein distance is a string metric for measuring the amount of difference between two sequences.

Plus, PHP has a levenshtein() method. Use your keyword list as array & searchable string as input and iterate over your array and use levenshtein() in each iteration for matching.

As of PHP 5.5, PHP's strtr uses the Wu-Manbers algorithm for multi-pattern matching. See commit ccf15cf2 in the PHP git repository for details about the implementation. It is quite efficient, in my experience.

A pure-PHP implementation of the Aho-Corasick algorithm is available here: https://packagist.org/packages/wikimedia/aho-corasick





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