
Advantages of HornetQ vs ActiveMQ vs Qpid

I was browsing for an open source messaging software and after some good bit of research I came across these three products. I've taken these out for a preliminary test drive, having had them handle messages for queues and topics, and from what I've read all three of these products are good picks for an Open Source messaging solution for most companies. What I was wondering was what are the advantages that these products may have over one another? What I'm particularly interested in is messaging throughput, including persistent messaging throughput, security, scalability, reliability, support, routing capabilities, administrative options such as metrics and monitoring, and generally just how well each progr开发者_运维技巧am runs in a large business environment.

Check out http://queues.io/

From their site:

The goal is to create a quality list of queues with a collection of articles, blog posts, slides, and videos about them. After reading the linked articles, you should have a good idea about: the pros and cons of each queue, a basic understanding of how the queue works, and what each queue is trying to achieve. Basically, you should have all the information you need to decide which queue will best fit your needs.

'messaging' covers a lot of options - and there must be at least a dozen different types of technologies that could be the right answer - having built many production messaging environments, using a variety of technologies/approaches, having a better understanding your requirements would help.

are you needing subject-based subscriptions? do you need multicast delivery? do you need dynamic subscribers/listeners? would your listeners be requerying for best sources even after finding an acceptable publisher/feed?

do you need guaranteed delivery? delivery confirmation? is you publisher storing any undelivered messages, or do you need the messaging system to do that for you automagically? how often does your feed data go stale - e.g. email-ish alerts can be store-and-forward but real-time pricing data is only valid for a short interval (and then probably needs to go away rather than cause confusion)

how volatile is your network topology? are your subscribers (or publishers) expecting to live at a fixed address? or are they mobile devices? could they appear to you over more complex internetwork topologies requiring registration and possibly imposing routing restrictions? if so any idea the frequency of these topology changes?

do you only need a java interface? are any of your subscribers to be integrated into windows components (like feeds into excel)?

if you're only interested in experience comparing the similar products you named then perhaps you have already thought through these topics.

as to products, in my experience Tibco is still the leader in throughput and scalability, especially in a real-time environment. ibm MQ would be next, especially in a store-and-forward architecture. with both of those products you get a level of support on which you can justify betting a fundamental part of your business systems. there's a reason both of those have been around for a couple of decades.

another often overlooked option is Tuxedo - it provides not only messaging but a proven transactional capability that remains unparalleled. Oracle continue to be committed to this product and, again, the level of support available is second to none.

i love open sourced solutions and am always glad to find production quality software for free - but if you are creating a fundamental part of your business infrastructure then an active community still might not indicate whether a particular voluntary project is the best bet.

my 2c worth. hope it helps.

First, I am no expert in this, but maybe I can give you some thought hints.

ActiveMQ and Qpid are both under the Apache umbrella and are message queues. But Qpid is an implementation of the AMQP specification.

AMQP is a protocol specification, on the wire level, so messages can be exchanged with other AMQP message queues (e.g RabbitMQ).

ActiveMQ and HornetQ are queues that you can use with a JMS API. The Java Message Service is a specification on an API level.

But you have the option to access Qpid via a JMS API, too. I think performance is a secondary thought. To have an active community is more important.


Benchmark includes some performance numbers for you to decide, with both persistent and transient results.





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