new to jquery: need help putting fade in/out script together
My in initial problem: I have a table with basic information about clients on the top half of the the screen. I want to put a div on the bottom half of the screen that will show detailed information about the client when the name is clicked on on the table in the top half.
I found a bunch of great examples on the jquery end of the problem right here in stackoverflow
Here: Fade out a div with content A, and Fade In the same div with co开发者_C百科ntent B
And Here: How to fade out div slowly, update content, and then fade in div slowly, using jQuery?But my problem is how to get it to work for me and I know it's just because I don't understand how jquery works.
Here's something close to what my site looks like now:
<td>Account Number</td>
<td><a href="#">Joe Smith</a></td>
<td><a href="#">Jane Doe</a></td>
<div id="client_details>
this is where I want the client details to go that will have more information than the table up above
It seems like a really easy thing to do. I just don't know how to setup the client details information and the links so it fades in the current (clicked) client's info and fades out the previous one.
The other answers provide solid guidance, and while it is as simple as simply doing a chained fadeOut.fadeIn, if you want them to fade-in-fade-out at the same time for a nicer effect without any delays and without first waiting for one to fadeout and the other to fade in, you can do what I did in this fiddle:
first, you need to add ids or class to your links. I.E:
<a href="#" id="jane_doe" class="client">Jane Doe</a>
Then, with jQuery:
//When you click on a link which has the 'client' class...
$('#client_details').fadeOut(100).html('the client details information').fadeIn(100);
If you need to load the client info, have a look on Ajax ($.post(), $.load())
Have you tried any jQuery at all?
The basics of what you want to do would look something like this:
$('#elementId').fadeOut().html('[NEW MARKUP]').fadeIn();