
Rotate an Image Continuously

I want to rotate开发者_Go百科 an image continuously on page load. Code works fine for 1 rotation on page load but to achieve the same effect continuously I have included the .play() statement in an infinite while loop as shown below. But it causes the page to hang and nothing shows up.

while (i == 1)
    if (rotEff.isPlaying != true)

Any pointers on how to achieve this effect would be of great help

Try setting the repeatCount property of your Effect object to 0 so that it repeats indefinitely:

    <s:Rotate id="rotate" target="{image}" angleBy="360" duration="1000" repeatCount="0" autoCenterTransform="true"></s:Rotate>


In response to sandy's comment:

thanks taurayi...setting repeatCount solved the issue..However there is a little bit of transition lag from one complete 360 round to another round..is it feasible to get rid of that also..?

Set the easer property to null like so:

    <s:Rotate id="rotate" target="{image}" angleBy="360" duration="1000" repeatCount="0" autoCenterTransform="true" easer="{null}"></s:Rotate>

Very simple. Just set up an enter frame listener to operate as load occurs (don't use timeline animation).

obj.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, doRotate);

function doRotate(e:Event):void{
    obj.rotation += 1; //in whatever direction / orientation / increment you wish

when load is done, just remove the listener.

If this is Flex application, I would recommend you use Timer object.





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