
wrapper method in extended NSManagedObject class objective-c

I am using CoreData in an iOS application. Everything works fine except for fields marked as Boolean in xcdatamodel that get modeled and NSNumber. For this kind of fields I want to write some utility method in extended class, but I was wondering where's the best location for writing them or what's the best practice.

In MyManagedObject.h I have:

@interface MyManagedObject : NSManagedObject {
@property (nonatomic, retain) NSNumber * mandatory;

Where mandatory is a boolean in data model. This is the generated class from xcode:

@implementation MyManagedObject
@dynamic mandatory;

At this point, for properly using the entity I need to write somewhere some utility wrapper methods, probably in the entity itself开发者_如何转开发, such as:

[myManagedObject mandatoryWrapper:YES];

-(void)mandatoryWrapper:(BOOL)mandatory {
    // convert boolean to number

But I am aiming to use the original getter/setter for not generating "confusion":

// setter

but I suppose that rewriting the original methods, will cause some problem later on in the application lifecycle, for example when saving or retrieving in context.


If you want a true boolean property, then your are forced to change the name. I would recommend just making the it a property of the class and not the entity because the entity doesn't have to know about them.

In your case, you would need something like:

@property BOOL isMandatory;

-(BOOL) isMandatory{
   return [self.mandatory boolValue];

-(void) setIsMandatory:(BOOL) boolVal{
  self.mandatory=[NSNumber numberWithBool:boolVal];

This lets you use convience constructions like:

If (self.isMandtaory)...

Core Data is happy because the entity modeled NSNumber property is still there and works as expected but the human can use the easier to comprehend boolean version.





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