
Include older m2e plugins with m2e 1.0+ using life-cycle mapping?

I want to enable older plug ins not available in m2e v 1.0

I have added this to the POM but it does not work if there are multiple items.

                                    <execute />
                                    <execute />

I have also tried the following variation.

                                            <execute />
                                            <execute />

The error message I get is:

Cannot parse lifecycle mapping metadata for maven project MavenProject: com.sakriom:drools-context:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT @ D:\Documents and Settings.....\Workspaces\Eclipse 3.6 - Scala\DroolsContext\pom.xml Cause: Unrecognised tag: 'version' (position: START_TAG seen ...\r\n ... @10:22)

How is this error message decoded?

"Cause: Unrecognised tag: 'version'" -- It's complaining about the <version>[0.0.0,)</version> tag because it doesn't belong inside of a <pluginExecutionFilter>. You should use <versionRange>[0.0.0,)</versionRange> instead.

"Cause: Unrecognised tag: 'version'" -- It's complaining about the <version>[0.0.0,)</version> tag because it doesn't belong inside of a <pluginExecutionFilter>. You should use <versionRange>[0.0.0,)</versionRange> instead.

The element version is not allowed at line 8.

If you need more help, add the relevant part of the pom-xml to your question.

[EDIT] Based on the POM you supplied, the problem is that you're using a property in the version element of the project. Maven only supports properties in all other version elements but not this one.

But the error message seems a bit odd. Try the latest Maven release (3.0.3). If that still gives the same error, please create a small demo POM which shows the problem (just delete as much as possible) and open a bug in the Maven issue tracker.





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