
UITableView not loading data the second time

I have a UITableView and I call reloadData in the viewWillAppear method

- (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated {

    [tableView reloadData];

However, the second time my view appears, neither numberOfRowsInSelection nor cellForRowAtIndexPath are called

What could I be doing wrong?

I am seeing the same problem and yes, using a breakpoint I have already confirmed that viewWillAppear is called and reloadData executed - but cellForRowAtIndexPath is never called and the table contains stale data.

New information: I tried creating a new class/nib, this time using a UITableViewController instead of a UIViewController and implementing the delegate & datasource interfaces manually. This works as expected - cellForRowAtIndexPath is called and the table is updated. There must be something else UITableViewController does for me that I need to implement in my version, but I don't know what it is....

Solved! My issue, anyhow. I had wired up the datasource and controller connections, but hadn't connected the tableView outlet in my class to the table in the UI builder. smacks forehead. Mine works now, hope this helps!





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