
Ace Editor in PHP Web App

I am making a small web app that allows users to submit html, css and javascript content via Ace Editor. In this editor, echoing stored content into the editor is sim开发者_如何学Cply enough however I cannot find anyway to submit a users input to the database. I can see there is a textarea generated by the JavaScript however I'm not exactly sure what it is doing, how to get to it or if I should be looking for something else entirely.

I'm primarily looking for a field or something that I can use to have php submit into the db.

The contents of the edit window are available with the session getValue method. For example, here is an extension to the standard ACE demo for save file:

saveFile = function() {
    var contents = env.editor.getSession().getValue();

            {contents: contents },
            function() {
                    // add error checking
                    alert('successful save');

I added the saveFile call to the already existing "Fake Save" that is in demo.js. I replace the alert with code like this:

// Fake-Save, works from the editor and the command line.
    name: "save",
    bindKey: {
        win: "Ctrl-S",
        mac: "Command-S",
        sender: "editor|cli"
    exec: function() {

The php file is just one line:

$r = file_put_contents("foo.txt", $_POST["contents"]) or die("can't open file");





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