Mustache partials using variable syntax (without the ">")?
I'm using开发者_运维知识库 mustache (php version) as my templating engine.
I'm wondering if it's possible to have {{something}} serve as a partial, instead of having to format it as {{>something}} in the template. Ideally, a variable would be treated as a partial if the variable name is in the _partials array.
This would allow me to change a variable to a partial without having to make any changes to templates.
Is this possible?
I figured out how to do this by modifying the _renderTag function in Mustache.php. In the switch statement, for the default case, I just check to see if $tag_name is in the $this->_partials array.
protected function _renderTag($modifier, $tag_name, $leading, $trailing) {
switch ($modifier) {
case '=':
return $this->_changeDelimiter($tag_name, $leading, $trailing);
case '!':
return $this->_renderComment($tag_name, $leading, $trailing);
case '>':
case '<':
return $this->_renderPartial($tag_name, $leading, $trailing);
case '{':
// strip the trailing } ...
if ($tag_name[(strlen($tag_name) - 1)] == '}') {
$tag_name = substr($tag_name, 0, -1);
case '&':
if ($this->_hasPragma(self::PRAGMA_UNESCAPED)) {
return $this->_renderEscaped($tag_name, $leading, $trailing);
} else {
return $this->_renderUnescaped($tag_name, $leading, $trailing);
case '#':
case '^':
case '/':
// remove any leftover section tags
return $leading . $trailing;
// Render var as partial if it is in _partial array (so we don't have to use "{>partial}" syntax)
if ($this->_partials[$tag_name]) {
$partial = $this->_renderPartial($tag_name, $leading, $trailing);
return $partial;
if ($this->_hasPragma(self::PRAGMA_UNESCAPED)) {
return $this->_renderUnescaped($modifier . $tag_name, $leading, $trailing);
} else {
return $this->_renderEscaped($modifier . $tag_name, $leading, $trailing);